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jump WWE2 to WWE3


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Did anyone else find the WWE2 to 3 jump was tough? (Or was it just the summer?)


My son was never good with dictation, but that isn't the problem. He's just having a really hard time summarizing, but when we finished WWE2 it was simple for him. We took off two months this summer and now he's in tears *ever* *single* *time*.


Anyone else?



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Yes, I found it to be a big jump.  What we did is modified the lessons in whatever way the child needed it modified.  I used WWE3 with my two boys, but I switched to Writing Tales with both of them after WWE3 because one look at WWE4 was all it took to know that they would not be successful with the program as written (and I was tired of modifying).  So my plan with younger dd is WWE1 and WWE2, then switch to Writing Tales 1 and 2 and move from there to WWS.  My kids have been much happier with WT, and I have been, as well.

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