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CLEP tests while in college?

Vida Winter

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Is it unusual for a college student to clep subjects during summer term (while living at home on summer break)? Dd is thinking of studying and taking a clep this summer to allow her a bit more flexibility in her schedule. Freshman coursework is going well but she would love to be able to take an elective here and there (for instance swimming). The clep in question is calculus.










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Is it unusual for a college student to clep subjects during summer term (while living at home on summer break)? Dd is thinking of studying and taking a clep this summer to allow her a bit more flexibility in her schedule. Freshman coursework is going well but she would love to be able to take an elective here and there (for instance swimming). The clep in question is calculus.



Unusual, but not undoable. (Most students tend to do it as an excellerated course during winter session or summer session.)


A few things to double check about:


- That the CLEP is indeed for the specific Calculus course she needs.


- Her college degree program will accept the CLEP for Calculus AND it will still count towards her degree. Some degree programs do not count CLEP towards the degree program, just as credit for completed gen. ed. course -- and some only count CLEP as an "elective" credit.


- If she is considering changing degree programs -- or transferring to a different college -- that they accept CLEP as credit.


BEST of luck! Warmly, Lori D.

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Adding to Lori D.'s comments:

she might also want to inquire about testing out of the specific course at her university by earning credit by examination form the course instructor. She would have to ask the professor how that works. So, even if the standardized CLEP is not accepted because it does not match the level/content that is taught at her school, she might be able to take a course exam for that specific class and get credit without having to enroll.

At our school, credit by exam only earns credit but not a letter grade towards the GP, unless it is an A. So, a very nice deal - if the student passes.

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Thank you, Lori and regentrude, you've given me some things to think about. I'm not sure if calculus is offered as a distance-learning option during the summer - that would be something to check. Credit by exam sounds good but again, not sure if they offer that option. She can talk to her advisors about these options.

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One last thought: I'd only recommend CLEP-ing with a subject the student feels comfortable with self-studying, and would not need a teacher, in-class demo, or tutoring. How comfortable with Calculus or higher math is your DD? Would she do better with actual in-class instruction and weekly homework?

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