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Biology and physics question

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Ds is doing DIVE science this year: integrated physics and chemistry.  The web site lists biology as the next science for 10th grade.  He is interested in doing 2 science classes next year so he can do some advanced science before he finishes high school.  Could he do both biology (10th grade science) and physics (11th grade science) next year if he is doing Alg. 2 at the same time?  I can't seem to find the list that tells what he needs to complete before the class.  (I thought I had seen something like that before, but I can't seem to find it now.)


Also, what have you used for biology & physics that has been a success?  Ds is kind of bored with DIVE.  Historically, our science experiments haven't worked out, so we tried the DVD thing where they show how the experiment is "suppose" to turn out.  He likes more of a hands on thing, but I hesitate to do anything that will cost tons of money on lab stuff and only produce experiments that don't work.



Hot Lava Mama

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Make sure he meets the math prerequisites of whatever physics you choose. If he does, I don't see why you can't do both biology and physics in the same year.


Here is a website that I've used for algebra based physics labs (that work). They are written by Paul Hewitt and often used alongside his book, but can be done with any book.



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We're doing DIVE Biology this year. If you liked IPC, you'll probably like Biology too. It is going very well for dd. I see no reason why you couldn't do either Chemistry or Physics at the same time you do Biology. Algebra 2 at the same time should be fine for either, as long as you did a strong Algebra 1 program. If you used a lighter math program for Algebra 1 such as TT or MUS, then he may struggle a bit with the math (speaking from experience). One option would be to do Biology the first semester and Chemistry or Physics the second semester. Just plan 2 hours/day for science. This is the way we do all our sciences for dd who is planning double sciences every year.

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