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Calling Dr. Hive- vacation illness edition


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My kids and I flew to Texas to visit my parents. Tuesday I had a fever, felt punky, and went to urgent care with suspected mastitis. I got antibiotics and a few days later was totally fine.


Wednesday the baby got a fever, felt icky, and was over it in just over 24 hours.


Now my middle two kids are sick. My three year old is on day three of fever. Last night it was 102.5 F, this morning it was 101.5f. My six year old has been around 101.5-101.9F, as well, but she's only on day two.


Both kids perk up for fun activities and are drinking well. I'm a little surprised at day three my little guy hasn't kicked this, should I be getting concerned this may be bacterial? And if so, is my baby going to get sick, again?


Please advise, Internet!

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As long as he seems normal sick to you and is not giving you indications that get your mommy instinct going--like not eating, totally lethargic, not looking right, etc.--I would give it a couple of days. When we get viruses, it can often hit each of us a little differently. 


Once I had a breast infection that came as a result of my body using all it's power to fight a virus and not being able to keep the other germs in check. I bet that's what happened to you.

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