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Recommendations for Personal Finance

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DD used the free online program at Money Skill dot org. It covers the basics and is very interactive.  We followed it up with a self-designed project:


Personal Finance Research Project

Create a budget for a single young adult living in OurTown. She works full-time (40 hours per week) and earns minimum wage.  While the situation is fictional, the budget will need to be realistic (e.g., you can’t say that she found a great apartment for $50/month). Provide sources for your information (e.g., provide a copy of the newspaper or internet ad for the apartment) and be creative (e.g., if she can’t afford the apartment on her own, she can have a roommate to share the costs). You are encouraged to seek guidance as you work on this project. It is likely that you will initially leave items off the budget that will need to be added (e.g., payroll deductions are quite a shock to many young workers). You can look for budget examples online but try to brainstorm first to see how many categories you can come up with on your own.

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