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Barton Tile app

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 I just bought the app for Level 3 today and got a little confused.  I am hoping someone can help.  For Lesson 4, we had already done A,B,C, D, and E before we started today.  I pushed the app past those sections but it jumped to G and wouldn't let me go to an F section. F is where the child pulls tiles down after fingerspelling.  Do we need to just sit on the end of E and let him pull down tiles manually on the I-Pad, then manually advance to G when I feel he is ready?  

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I'm sorry, MommyX8, I got confused on what you were saying.  I wanted to respond with something that might help, since we are now using the app, then realized I didn't really understand the question.    Do you mean, if, in the middle of the lesson the child is not responding to the virtual tiles and you need to pull out the real ones?  Or do you mean that when the app doesn't have a letter corresponding to the section you are in do you have to pull out the real tiles?  Or maybe something else?  Again, I am so sorry I am not understanding.


 I thought I would mention what happened in my tutoring session yesterday, in hopes that it MIGHT help.   I was using the app yesterday with my daughter and we never had to pull out the regular tiles.  We just did what myboyluvsdinos said about finishing a section where the app has the tiles necessary, then stayed on that section while we used the virtual tiles for another section that wasn't explicitly designated on the app in that lesson.  It worked just fine.  Wow, that sounds terribly convoluted.  I will wait for you to clarify the question before I ramble on and confuse things.  :)

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There's more to the app than you think, and there are some very helpful tutorials here:




In particular, you'll learn how to use the sticky palette (I love this!) and how to get a schwa, blank tile, etc. The tutorials are broken down into subject and level, so you can quickly watch the ones relevant to your current situation. I highly recommend them!


And anyone can watch them, so it you're wondering about the app, this would be a good way to learn more about it.


I love the app because it's so much quicker than having to deal with all the tiles (I own all levels, though I do have a professional tile storage system) that I usually save about 10 min. per 50 min. session. The kids like it too, since it's on an ipad. Plus, it's WAY easier to transport, compared to lugging all the tiles. But for home use, it would be fun, but not necessary, in my humble opinion. If you already have an ipad, great. But if not, and you're just tutoring your own child and money is a concern, I wouldn't worry about getting the app -- the tiles work just fine.


I own most of the levels of the app, but I probably won't buy levels 1 and 2 because I do think the feel may be important to some kids, especially in those initial levels. And the tiles are not unruly at those levels. On the other hand, maybe I'll come across some computer-savvy kid who really wants to do it on the ipad, and then I'll have to rethink that. :)

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And while I had really only intended to tutor my own kids,  there is a huge deficit where I live of qualified dyslexia tutors.  The few that are here have waiting lists.  I thought I might try to help at least the kids I know and having the tiles more portable might make that a lot more feasible.  I love the app and am looking forward to checking out the additional resources.  Thanks for the suggestion, myboyluvsdinos!

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I just bought level 2 today. Maybe it is just that we are using a lower level right now. But I thought in the tutorial that the instructed us to go back over to the tiles for a couple of the sections. We were on Lesson 3 and the app jumped to about the 5 or 6 word on the list rather than the top one. And since some subsections weren't covered with the app, I just made do with the next screen.


I have the tiles and I even bought a second set of tiles that I put little magnets on so they stay on our magnetic board. I'm 50/50 right now about the app, but I'm sure that I will grow to love it as the levels progress.

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To MommyX8....At first I got a little confused that there wasn't a specific screen designation for each letter section, but apparently since some sections are not using already created words, there is no need for a special screen.  You just stay on the screen you were using for the last letter section completed and have the child spell with the tiles as instructed in the manual.  I am still navigating this myself.  We just started on Monday.  It is definitely getting easier and my son, especially, loves it.  I may return to using the real tiles for my daughter, though.  She functions so much better in 3D environments than 2D.


To try and determine what was happening for your issues with Level 2 Lesson 3 app, I just went through Level 2 Lesson 3 with my dummy kid (I created a fake student to experiment on for the app) and I didn't see where a list was begun in the middle.  Perhaps there was a glitch?  Or maybe I am misunderstanding what you were referring to.  I want to clarify in case I can help.   I was a little confused on your reference "But I thought in the tutorial that the instructed us to go back over the tiles for a couple of the sections".  so I may have completely misunderstood your situation and if so I apologize.  Are you following the teacher manual as you progress through the lesson?  Once you hit section L you don't use tiles again until the next lesson.  It is all reading off paper and writing on paper for the remaining sections.  That pattern repeats through every Level 2 and Level 3 lesson.  It may repeat through higher levels but we aren't there yet.

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Oh, and while the app may or may not be as useful with Level 1 and Level 2 (didn't use it with those yet so I don't know one way or the other), so far it is great with Level three since I don't have to reuse the same times to form new words.  It is far easier to compare them and my son has really loved "saving" already created words on one side of the screen while he completes the section. There have been several instances in the past 3 days where the app has been much, much easier at this level.  I will say this, though, when you get to Level 3 and you are learning about the unit syllable ALL we had a few moments frustration when my son accidentally put the ALL in the trash.  We couldn't find it again.  :)  Finally, we found it tucked away behind a big red blank tile in the upper right hand corner.  


I am definitely going to get on the Barton tutorial for the app and study the system in more depth....

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