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HST+ or Homeschool Planet Planner?


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Ok for those of you who have used these I am trying to decide between the two. I currently have the 30 day trial of Homeschool Planet (I really like the fact they give you the free trial as oppose to making you spend $5 for a product you haven't seen before.) I really like how homeschool planet lays everything out as far as when I look at it I can see all the assignments for the week and I can see our appointments etc right below to know what that day is going to have to look like. The only reason I am considering HST+ is because while it won't be online where I can access it anywhere I can spend the $49 once and be done; whereas with homeschool planet it's something like $69 each year. On that note is there any way you can have HST+ on multiple computers/tablets where they can all link together? 


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I have both.  HST+ is great because of paying once and it's always there.  I don't worry about the company going out of business or them losing my data, etc.  I LOVE the reports section - you can create a report for nearly everything you could think of.  What I don't like about it, it's clunky, not pretty, has a learning curve.  Silly reasons but it's there.  HS Planet I really really love.  It's gorgeous, schedules well, nice calendar, they are adding more and more features (hopefully more reports).  I do worry about 10 years down the road when my toddler is in school and the company is gone or if the server crashes and they lose data (rare, but I'm in the biz and it does happen).  But I went ahead and bought the year subscription.  :)   If you want anymore specific comparisons, let me know.


Good luck choosing what works for you,

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