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I want to talk about food


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I'm terrible at coming up with thread titles lol...

The recent thread regarding breakfasts left me with some ideas.  So I'm just curious as to what other things I may glean from you guys re: food.

We don't eat bad, we don't eat awesome.  I try to make sure the kids eat better than me (I wish, wish, wish, wish, wish I had never gotten in the habit of a snack after they went to bed.  Particularly of the 'chips' or 'chip & dip' variety.  If it wasn't for that, I'm pretty sure I'd qualify as someone who eats relatively well, and I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't be stuck at the weight I currently am lol.  :) ). 

Our general food/menu looks about like this:


Kids - cereal (I would LOVE to get them out of this habit, but am having a hard time.  I hate getting up in the mornings, first off, and it's a lot easier for everyone if they go ahead and eat and then we can start our day after I get up, as opposed to the other way around.  The other thing is, though, they're pretty resistant to ANYTHING else I try to give them for breakfast unless it's even WORSE for them - muffins, pancakes, bacon if DH is home and fixes some, an occasinal pop tart or donut.  :svengo:  I have one kid who won't eat fruit.  I've tried giving them oatmeal and they all hated it.  I was able to get two of them to eat some homemade banana bread this morning, but even that isn't good for them.  I've made note of some things to try - hopefully they'll eat them!)

Me - nothing.  I am never hungry in the mornings (on rare occasions that I am, it's because it's one of my running days) and I don't really care for breakfast foods to speak of. 



Kids - pb&j, cheese quesadilla with a whole wheat tortilla, a sandwich wrap, a homemade 'lunchable' with some goldfish or wheat thins, cheese cubes, a slice or two of deli meat, and fruit.  That's their usual fare (one of those, obviously).  We don't have a 'set' thing for lunch most days, the kids just get what they want.  Occasionally Astro wants ramen, and we do usually have some of that on hand, too.  After lunch they also get a 'dessert' which is usually either pudding, fruit, fruit snacks, peanuts, yogurt, or a granola bar.  Occasionally we have other things - jello instead of pudding, or crackers, etc.  They get a small amount of whatever it is - I keep everything to a small serving size.

Me - whatever I can find.  Sometimes it's leftovers.  Sometimes it's a salad, if I have the stuff I like to make a salad with (lettuce, black beans, salsa).  Occasionally it's a plain pb sandwich.  Sometimes I'll make myself some pasta with some dressing on it ('pasta salad' type stuff).  Just whatever I can scrounge up in the kitchen.  On really bad days where I have NOTHING, it's chips or chips with some dip.



Whatever.  I make pretty balanced dinners.  Always veggies, always a meat, etc.  Not too much carbs or starchy stuff.  I can't, off the top of my head, think of a lot of things that I make, but dinner, overall, doesn't concern me.


Another thing I'm curious about is what I should eat at work.  I work as a receptionist and don't leave my desk at all.  There's nowhere for me to warm up food, keep food refrigerated, etc, so I've been taking a plain pb sandwich (I don't like jelly lol) to eat at my desk.  I don't mind it, I don't really think I have any other choice when it comes to food at work lol... thoughts on that, as well??



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