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Grading EIL

Guest Renee

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For those of you using Excellence in Literature (or any literature program), how are you grading your student? We are just starting with my DD, 14. Will her only grades be for the papers?

And what are your thoughts on Approach Papers? They are not used in the high school where my son attends, nor the co-op where I teach and DD takes classes, so I am unfamiliar with them, their value and how to grade them. 




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Hi, me again. Learning a lot reading these files, but would love this question answered. Also, this curriculum appears to have no discussion component//Thoughts from those of you who have used it?

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There are a more reviews and discussion of EIL on the main high school board. I grade based solely on the writing. Author Profiles are worth 10 point, Approach Papers and other "week 2" assignments are typically 20 points and the main paper for each book is 50 points. 


I had never seen an approach paper before either. They aren't in every lesson and I have seem to drop one from each year for one reason or another. I grade them the same way I grade any other paper. Does it follow the directions/model? How are the technical aspects, writing quality, sentence structures, transitions, grammar, etc. What about content? Does it say something of value? Do their questions reflect understanding of what was important in the time period or book? I think her rubric for grading papers would still work. I'm not usually that formal in grading of the short stuff though.

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I inquired about the merit of approach papers last March and was directed to look at literary response papers.  Here's my original post.


EIL assumes the student has knowledge of literary analysis.  Prior to starting EIL, DS and I used a free six week course written by Jill Pike alongside the Teaching the Classics dvds.  TtC utilize story charts and Socratic questioning to discuss content, structure, and style of written works.  Thus far, our literary discussions follow the TtC template.


I haven't graded EIL yet as we just started and are currently on fall break. I like how Momto2Ns spelled out her grading methodology though.  

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