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Anyone else "having a day?"

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My 15yo Aspie DD can't seem to be given direction without whining/grumbling about it. My 9yo ds seems to need absolute silence to work on 

penmanship today. Oi! Asked dd what was wrong, she doesn't know. The only thing I can think of is she's still trying to decompress from our

field trip to the aquarium yesterday. The day after a field trip is never truly a fun day here.


I'm tempted to just call this day a wash because I'm really not interested in dealing with the WHINE all day long!


Anyone else having one of those days?

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Yesterday, my youngest took her first 3 hr Kindie class at the co-op. The class is one day per week, The fact that my baby is a kindie and with strangers freaked me out a little. She loved it... I changed history for DS too, after 3 weeks into the year. Math has been a slog...


I wound up buying DH some cigars and taking DS to buy supplies for Air Soft. DH took us to dinner, and then we put the kids to bed early and watched Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing:mellow:

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