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Veritas Press Literature


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I am thinking of using this for my young first grader.  She turns 6 Wednesday.  She reads very well (3-4th grade level) but still really enjoys picture books.  Of course! :)  Any thoughts on placement?  I was wanting to check out/purchase the books elsewhere, so I won't need a whole set, I guess.  Also, do you use the guides?  What are they like?  Are they necessary?  Significantly enriching?  I am hoping to take a look at some locally, but I would love to hear how anyone else "does" literature.  (We just read at this point.  I read, she reads, we talk about it.)

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I'm not too familiar with VP guides, but my two dd's were exactly as you described at that age--advanced readers, but still completely able to enjoy books well below their reading level. There are so many wonderful picture books out there that my advice is to enjoy them to the fullest! Many of them offer great opportunities for discussion on a surprisingly deep level.


Some of my favorite books were from the Five in a Row collection and the homeschool share.com literature lap books list. We didn't always do all the activities, sometimes we just read and discussed. FIve in a Row also has a Bible supplement volume that provides verses and discussion ideas that go along with the books, and that was helpful.


You might also check out Progeny Press lit guides.

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I do get the Favorites guides (Kindergarten Favorites, First Favorites volumes 1 and 2, and More Favorites). Those have simple, sweet activities for each book, as well as copywork and comp questions. They're not needed, but they do enrich literature time.


When it splits with separate guides for each book I go solo. Those are more comprehension work and less related activities. Comprehension we can do by discussing what they read. Some of these guides have more extras than others though. There are pretty meaty samples for many of them on GoogleBooks. Search with something like "veritas press swiss family robinson."

Thank you for your review.


Do you have any suggestion for me for placement?  Sometimes the books seem too young for her...  But they do look like something she'd enjoy...  I am not sure.

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Not knowing her very well, I'd look at First Favorites volume 2 or More Favorites. They're good stories for that age no matter their reading level. If you don't want to do a particular book you can just skip that section without really interrupting the flow of the program.

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