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Hi from newbie


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Welcome to both of you! Jump right in and explore the forums. There's something for everyone, and sometimes a little craziness goes on as well. The chat board is always interesting, but I've learned the most about homeschooling in the general ed section. I have a rising 4th grader, and we've homeschooled from the start. I've gotten some great ideas from the experienced moms (and and some dads) here.



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Old homeschooler with a new child here: ds2 will be starting kindy this Fall and ds1 is 21 and stopped homeschooling when he was 15, so I'm going through a bit of culture shock here--so many choices compared to the pre-internet era!

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Old homeschooler with a new child here: ds2 will be starting kindy this Fall and ds1 is 21 and stopped homeschooling when he was 15, so I'm going through a bit of culture shock here--so many choices compared to the pre-internet era!

I know how you feel. My oldest is 22 and my baby is 11. Homeschooling has changed so much since I began 13 years ago!

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Welcome, Peterson. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and sharing this amazing journey.


RemsMom, I'm glad I'm not the only one here! It's a fascinating perspective, isn't it? I feel like I appreciate both children more because of the xtreme age gap, but it's lonely sometimes not being able to share my insights with other parents who "get it".


ds2 is using an obscure and out of print phonics series called Ball-Stick-Bird that worked WONDERS on his dyslexic older brother, so I guess I'd better prepare myself for a lot of "Huh?"s and "WTF?"s for the next little bit.


I'm also planning on going a bit slower and enjoying the journey more than I did the first time around, which gets misunderstood as "laziness" or not being serious enough about homeschooling.


It's hilarious that I'm getting the same pressure/comments to enroll him in public school kindergarten because "He's bored and he needs to be with other children" that first time parents get.


I have half a mind to have a T shirt printed for him that says "whataboutsocialization" and one for me that says "Please DON'T ask me about kindergarten".


Kindy isn't even mandatory in the state where we live, so technically he's not homeschooled yet, he's just a KID!!!!!!


I do have a wonderful local homeschooling support group where I feel simultaneously respected as an elder and accepted as a comrade. I hope to find a similar community here, but I haven't lurked enough yet to recognize the different personalities, just enough useful information to decide that it's worth my time to open an account.


I think I might be the only bibliophile in my offline group. Perhaps I am naive or even undiagnosed Asperger's with "hyperlexia", but I only recently realized that there are people in this world who think that reading to young children is "lazy" or "a waste of time"! If that's normal in this day and age, I don't want to stop being "weird" and I'm thrilled that my kid is just as "weird" as the rest of his family!


I have fond memories of pre-ordering the first edition of WTM before it hit the presses and devouring it the same day the bookstore called me to let me know it was in. At that time, a new hardback book for myself was an extremely rare luxury and I will NEVER part with that copy, but I should probably try to reserve a more recent edition from the library or borrow it from an offline friend before I put my foot in my mouth too badly on the forums. ;)

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Guest EagleCreek

Hi!  I'm new here also and trying out my first post.  It's interesting to see that a couple of you have a large age gap between children.  My first is 14 and my second is 1.  My dd14 has been homeschooled from the beginning and we're getting ready to start high school in a couple of weeks.  I started panicking back in May with being overwhelmed by the thought of teaching high school and having a rambunctious toddler at the same time.  I almost enrolled dd14 in private school but she was adamant about staying home for high school so I've been planning all summer.  I'm really looking forward to getting started now!

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