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Looking for Intro to cooking/kitchen procedures book for 2nd grader and 5th grader?


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So, I searched and surprise the term "cooking" pulls up like 1000 of hits LOL.

I am looking for a book or set of worksheets to print to go with a booklet of recipes I am making for DS and DD to work on cooking this year.

Ideally it would talk about kitchen safety, utensils, tips, vocab, etc.

Download would be great. Then I could print and bind with the recipes.


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I love this idea, too!  Will be watching this thread.


This isn't what you're looking for, but we have a DVD set that is a big hit with DS.  I think it's called Cooking from A - Z, but will have to double check.  It was $5 on Amazon.  She covers a lot of info, and seems to inspire him.  


Off to search for something more concrete...

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I just found this site: http://www.nourishinteractive.com/


There's a link for free printables. It looks interesting, but I'm on my phone and can't navigate it comfortably to check it out thoroughly.


Might be a lead though.


There may be some nice Montessori inspired printables out there, too, but I haven't found them yet.


:smilielol5: OH MY! I was JUST coming to post the same :lol: ! It does have a quite a bit. I'm going to go through and print some today.

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