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A long shot and a shout out

Kim in Appalachia

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My dd15 has made some good friends through Veritas (the online classes).  She regularly skypes with 4 other girls, and is texting or chatting with them often.  I was wondering if any of their moms were came here. :)  I just wanted to say, you have great girls.


Their little group has been enjoying (together) Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Santuary, and various other shows.  My dd and one of the girls (I know who, just don't want to mention names) did an all nighter watching Supernatural.  


It's been great that she has friends whom she can share her interests with, talk about books, tv shows, and movies.  


So, if you come here,  :seeya:  And I wish we could physically get the girls together, even if it's not really possible (due to distance). 

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She had a great experience with Veritas.  We're not doing it this year because she can start taking classes at the local University, but the online classes were a great resource, I highly recommend them.


And I love how my dd has found such good friends.  We live in a very rural area.  There are few homeschoolers, and my dd has few people around who are into the same things she is.  It's been great for her. 

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