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Exercise Thread ~ 7/14-7/20


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Okay, I am in! I ran a few miles this morning through my neighborhood. I am a former marathoner tuned 'several mile runner' due to stressful job and 7 day work weeks. Getting my mileage on now and struggling. I am the slowest runner I have ever seen. My yoga practice has dwindled down to not even being a practice. Going to do a few salutations and hopefully head to the hot studio f I can get my sore derrière out of ths chair.

Tomorrow? I intend to run 5 in the morning. I will let you know if that happens. ;)

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Ellen Barrett: Crunch - Pick Your Spot Pilates - my favorite workout DVDs these days are Ellen Barrett and Leslie Sansone. I love lots, but these two are my current favorites.





I'm still plugging away, alternating days of treadmill/elliptical (too hot to be outside) with Jillian's No More Trouble Zones. 

Great job. Yes, I can relate to the heat factor. Hence why I seldom exercise outdoors. 

I ran a few miles this morning through my neighborhood. I am a former marathoner tuned 'several mile runner' due to stressful job and 7 day work weeks. Getting my mileage on now and struggling. I am the slowest runner I have ever seen. My yoga practice has dwindled down to not even being a practice. Going to do a few salutations and hopefully head to the hot studio f I can get my sore derrière out of ths chair.
Tomorrow? I intend to run 5 in the morning. I will let you know if that happens. ;)

Christy, good to see you here. I really miss running and used to run almost daily. My knees don't like me running anymore. Did you make it to the yoga studio? I love yoga and am reading a really nice book on it. Encouraging me to to do it more regularly. 

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Negin, I did not make it to yoga. :( I need to make it a 'no matter what' in order to make it a habit again. What book are you reading on yoga?

Christy, sorry that you didn't make it. Be easy on yourself. You'll get there and soon it will become a habit again. It's hard to fit everything in. I can fully relate.  :grouphug: 

This is the book that I'm reading. I'm really enjoying it and find it very motivating. 




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