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Online Registering in Louisiana and New Rules?

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Old thread from 2013.  Updated in post #14, if you're interested...


This year, we can register our "Non-Public School (Not Seeking State Approval) online, instead of by mail.  But when I got to the bottom of the page, there was the following:


By checking this box and entering my name above, I, the leader of the above named nonpublic school, hereby attest that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I agree, on behalf of the school, to comply with all annual attendance reporting requirements of Registered Nonpublic Schools as indicated in Bulletin 741 for Nonpublic Schools, as amended.

You must agree to the above assurance statement before submitting your registration form.

I understand that I have to keep attendance records and furnish them if requested, but annual attendance reporting requirements?  I don't see this mentioned anywhere in their instructions, their FAQs, or the laws BTW...
Registered Non-Public Schools (Not Seeking State Approval) Guidelines and Instructions  (links to compulsory attendance laws in the guidelines)
This is what I've been able to find for Bulletin 741, but it says 2012, so is this amended?  Gah!
So I'm gonna go ahead and mail in my letter as usual, but if anyone has any insight or can make "bulletin 741 as amended" any clearer for me, I'd surely appreciate it.  
Do I need a  :chillpill: ?
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I would read that and assume that the annual attendance reporting requirements are to keep annual attendance records, and send them in if requested.  What else are they going to call it?  The annual attendance reporting if and only if requested requirements?


I think you're reading too much into it. ;)  I mean, they can request them every year if they want to anyway, so it's not like they'd be putting one over on you to have you send them in each year, you know?

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I couldn't judge how much of my over-reacting yesterday was just the usual me or hormones. Keeping attendance and making it available if requested isn't a big deal. It's the wording "as indicated in bulletin 741 for non-public schools, as amended" that I keep getting stuck on. They just revamped their whole website, and updated publications, etc., yet there are no links (that I can find) that make this clear. If they want me to agree to something, I'd like to read it first, that's all. I'm also a bit confused as to why I would have to agree to anything that's already spelled out legally.

It makes me remember that episode, HUMANCENTiPAD, from Southpark...but at least that gives me a chuckle. :)


Edited to add:  "Registered Non-Public Schools" doesn't refer to homeschoolers.  That's the state's legal term for private schools.  The state't legal term for homeschooling under the private school option is "Registered Non-Public Schools (Not Seeking State Approval)".  So, yeah, asking me to agree to "all the annual attendance reporting requirements", as spelled out in some bulletin that's full of assorted rules meant for private schools, sounds sneaky to me.  

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Contact HSLDA and ask them about it.  I think I am going to go ahead and send in my letter the old fashioned way again this year.  This will be our second year.  I sure hope Louisiana doesn't try to get sneaky and pull stunts like other areas have done.

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Contact HSLDA and ask them about it.  I think I am going to go ahead and send in my letter the old fashioned way again this year.  This will be our second year.  I sure hope Louisiana doesn't try to get sneaky and pull stunts like other areas have done.

FYI:  I am not a member of HSLDA, but thought it couldn't hurt, so I emailed them yesterday.  I received a reply saying that it's been passed on to their legal team.

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I guess I was just too hormonal the other day.  :tongue_smilie:

HSLDA sent me another email.  I'm just gonna copy and paste the body of the message below because it's easier:


Thank you for your email. We are aware of the Bulletin 741 provision and plan to send an explanatory email out to our members and those on our email list in Louisiana. 

We have read through Bulletin 741. It is connected to the Common Core. This is concerning, but we are not certain that it will cause most homeschoolers to change the way they homeschool on a daily basis. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I did it. Imo, as CHEF said, we all agree to provide a curriculum at least equal to that provided by our local public schools. We have to show attendance of 180 days per year, if asked. I don't think this is anything new.

I don't know of anyone who's ever been asked by anyone to show anything. The original regulation is vague. This registration is equally vague. No real changes here.

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  • 11 months later...

I went to the LDOE website today, because it's that time of year again, and noticed that they corrected their online registration form.  


This year, the assurance statement that one must agree to in order to register online correctly references R.S. 17:232.C, rather than bulletin 741.


Here's the text from their form:

By checking this box and entering my name above, I, the leader of the above named nonpublic school, hereby attest that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I agree, on behalf of the school, to comply with student enrollment notification requirements as indicated in R.S. 17:232.C.


I don't mind agreeing to follow the law, just not one that doesn't pertain to me. ;)   

So, I'll :chillpill:  now.

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