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Phonics for 2nd grade. what to use?

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I'm having issues with formatting on the site...sorry.


My son just started 2nd grade. He did MFW K and 1st for phonics. He reads fairly well. He tested into a high 3rd grade reading level. But, I don't feel like he is functionally reading at that level yet. He lacks confidence. He sticks with easy readers, like Little Bear. He was a reluctant reader who struggled to put it all together. Now, he enjoys it and reads a lot. My gut is telling me he needs some purposeful phonics review this year, mostly for review and to cement those more advanced rules.


I'd like something that is somewhat independent.


I've looked at A Beka, but it seems like I would need the teachers manual to really know what they are teaching (I'm not great at "self-explanatory." I like guides.) It looks like it would be more involved than I'm wanting.


I own Ordinary Parent's Guide, but would have no idea where to start. It's definitely not independent and I'm not sure about age level.


Explode the code is on sale at CBD. This is what I'm leaning toward, but where do I start? I don't want to buy a placement guide. :( And, I was hoping to review most of the rules this year...it seems like only some of them are in each book...how do I get all the advanced phonics reviewed?


Thinking about using Ordinary Parent's Guide with ETC. I can review the rule in the Guide then have him work independently on the corresponding lesson. This way, I can pick and choose what rules he reviews, but I'd also probably need to buy all the ETC books and have him use them all randomly...not sure I like that idea.


Any suggestions....He is my oldest and I don't want to overdue it either. He enjoys school and I'd like to keep it that way. :)




(Sorry, long.)

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Phonics Pathways. It is inexpensive and basically contains all of the phonics needed. You can start the book at any point and review any parts that you want to. Also I would just keep having him/her read through early readers like Step into Reading and I Can Read. I have a list of early readers on my blog if you need ideas. Practice really builds fluency.

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