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MUS with LOF?


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I have been considering using this combination with my 6th and 7th grader. They are both really struggling with math after I pulled them from TT last year. I ended up switching the upcoming 7th grader to CLE books in the year 5 books and she is doing okay. Math still produces tears and frustration though for her. I really think the book 5 sets her off just since she equates it with grade 5 and going into 7th. Doesn't make her feel too good. My other daughter started using the c-rods last year due to vision issues and it worked really well for her. I had actually bought the LOF books last year but we really never utilized them - silly me!


Fast forward to this year, I am thinking of starting Epsilon with my 6th grader and the LOF fractions book. She has worked really hard on Multiplication and Division using the C-rods at Education Unboxed and I think she is in a good place to start Fractions. My question is, should I back track a bit when school starts and have her to do the Kidney, Liver and Mineshaft books with some Multiplication and Division review before we jump into Epsilon?


And, I am thinking of moving my 7th grader from CLE into MUS. I think I will start with some worksheets from Epsilon and Zeta and see how she does while introducing the blocks to her and have her start reading the fractions and decimals LOF books before we move into Pre-Algrebra.


Does this combination work well together? I really want them to be able to just progress in math this year and enjoy it more, or at least not beat themselves up about what level they are on. As long as we are moving forward I really don't care where they are right now. It's the long term goal I am interested in and if we continue at this pace, they will hate math forever I am sure.


If you do MUS and LOF, how do you schedule these together? And, on RR they have a companion Pre-Algrebra book listed. Is this sort of like a TM? I don't see these listed on the LOF website.

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We use them together, and it works for us. My son is in Epsilon and we are in Liver with LOF.


For us, MUS is the main math program. We work through about 1 chapter per week. We usually watch the DVD lesson on Monday and work 1-2 pages of problems each day, testing at the end.


We use LOF as a supplement only. We usually read and work out 2 chapters of problems, pausing when we needs a little more review. He loves Fred and the quirkiness. I appreciate that the author is showing math being used *every day* and in so many scenarios.




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We use them together, and it works for us. My son is in Epsilon and we are in Liver with LOF.


For us, MUS is the main math program. We work through about 1 chapter per week. We usually watch the DVD lesson on Monday and work 1-2 pages of problems each day, testing at the end.


We use LOF as a supplement only. We usually read and work out 2 chapters of problems, pausing when we needs a little more review. He loves Fred and the quirkiness. I appreciate that the author is showing math being used *every day* and in so many scenarios.



Thank you both for the feedback.


This is the main reason I have been thinking about LOF. I want her to see Math as fun and I want her to see how it is applied in everyday life. She loves to read and she has a quirky sense of humor so I thought these might appeal to her. I also like that with both MUS and LOF, nothing has a grade on it. I think that MUS will provide the hands on instruction that she needs right now.

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