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Accomodations for ACT/SAT

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What do I need to include in an educational plan for accommodations for ACT/SAT or AP testing?

My son is very gifted as well as being dyslexic/dysgraphic. He qualifies by nueropsych testing for extra time as well as specific accommodations for dysgraphia. I’ve known for a long time that he would need accommodations for any writing, but I wasn’t sure if he’d need extra time. Recently, by doing some practice tests, we’ve decided he will need extra time for the ACT even without the writing portion of the test. He needs the time to read the English and Reading sections.

I don’t have any formal IEP or 504 plan by the schools as we’ve homeschooled all his life. I know Homeschool Educational plans can be provided in place of one made by the school system, but I’m not entirely sure what I need to include. I do have a paper trail of psychological testing.

Any advice from those that have sought out accommodations?

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Does your neuropsych report include the fact that he is homeschooled and mention anything about accommodations you've given him? I was planning to start the applications while my son was still homeschooled, but ended up waiting until he was in school. However, he had only *just* been granted his 504 when the application was made to Collegeboard for the SAT. I'm sure it helped that in addition to the whole raft of evaluations we provided, the school psychologist's report mentioned that the student was provided with and used accommodations such as untimed testing and keyboarding for all written expression assignments.


If it's not mentioned, you might just draft a document which outlines how you have implemented various accommodations at home to include with the reports from professionals that you'll be submitting.


It can't hurt to give ACT and Collegeboard a call. You can tell them what documentation you have and ask what you'll still need.

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