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still trying to make peace with 1st grade hist/science...help...


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Guest 4boys

I personally don't understand why the state would require so much of a kindergarten student!! That being said, you can have a lot of flexibility with what you consider to be "school". Science could be going outside and going on nature walks or looking at bugs, geography could be looking at maps, etc. like what you described. As for history, if they are not interested in SOTW yet, I would save it for later and just find children's books that are fun and interesting but pertain to history, presidents, etc. like you mentioned. HTH!

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Does he like to draw? My DD (6 in Sept) is working on a Geography Picture Dictionary. You can see a sample of it on my blog (link in signature).


For Science, we are focusing on Animals, Plants, and the Human Body. We did plants through summer. We just started animals. I read lots of non-fiction to them and try to do at least one hands-on activity a week. Generally, I find ideas on the web or in books I have (I'm a former Elem. Science Teacher). I post about most of our hands-on activities on my blog.


When we did plants, we collected leaves. Identified them with a dichotomous key and field guides. We learned about seed parts. We planted seeds. We measured growth. We looked at diagrams showing plant life cycles. We read about pollination. We talked about plants that make seeds mostly but briefly talked about plants that don't make seeds (ferns and mosses).


With animals, we collect feathers, skulls (if we are lucky enough to find one), plaster of paris casts of animal tracks. We made stencils of tracks (used photo copy machine to enlarge images from books). In a couple of weeks, we will paint tracks onto a t-shirt and make-up a story to go along with them explaining what animals made them, etc.


We look at feathers under the microscope or with hand-lens and learn the parts of a feather. We did an activity to determine for which foods different bird beaks are adapted. We play games - found on internet or in Ranger Rick Nature Scope books (look online for them).


We go on lots of nature walks and draw in our nature journals frequently.


If you are studying / interested in anything in particular, please ask me. I have lots of ideas / experience with Elem. Science.



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I wanted to assure you saw my reply... so I posted on 2 of your 'repeated' threads.




Does he like to draw? My DD (6 in Sept) is working on a Geography Picture Dictionary. You can see a sample of it on my blog (link in signature).


For Science, we are focusing on Animals, Plants, and the Human Body. We did plants through summer. We just started animals. I read lots of non-fiction to them and try to do at least one hands-on activity a week. Generally, I find ideas on the web or in books I have (I'm a former Elem. Science Teacher). I post about most of our hands-on activities on my blog.


When we did plants, we collected leaves. Identified them with a dichotomous key and field guides. We learned about seed parts. We planted seeds. We measured growth. We looked at diagrams showing plant life cycles. We read about pollination. We talked about plants that make seeds mostly but briefly talked about plants that don't make seeds (ferns and mosses).


With animals, we collect feathers, skulls (if we are lucky enough to find one), plaster of paris casts of animal tracks. We made stencils of tracks (used photo copy machine to enlarge images from books). In a couple of weeks, we will paint tracks onto a t-shirt and make-up a story to go along with them explaining what animals made them, etc.


We look at feathers under the microscope or with hand-lens and learn the parts of a feather. We did an activity to determine for which foods different bird beaks are adapted. We play games - found on internet or in Ranger Rick Nature Scope books (look online for them).


We go on lots of nature walks and draw in our nature journals frequently.


If you are studying / interested in anything in particular, please ask me. I have lots of ideas / experience with Elem. Science.

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Truly, if I stick to the 3 r's and just read some fun books in the history/science/geography category ,whenever they show interest in something, is that ok??



Absolutely!!! Not only is it okay, it's best!! (imnsho!!) Follow their interests, check out cool books at the library, develop the habit of paying attention to the outdoors, take advantage of any field trip/museum activities that come up, and ~ you've got it!!


Have fun!!!



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I am really interested in MOH and Christian Liberty Press Science. I have looked at MOH and it really looks adaptable for younger kids. The science is pretty cheap as well. Of course this is all good only if your looking at a christian view. :) Teresa

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