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Dr. Hive Re: Unknown bite


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My dd 11 was playing with some friends near some tallish grass. The way she described it was maybe 8 inches high. She went to grab a ball and was bitten by something. Everyone at the picnic said it looked like a snake bite. We weren't there at the time. She got back about an hour or so after it happened. My dh was worried about a sick animal possibly biting her. She said she didn't see what bit her. I would have thought she would have seen an animal bite her. Last night we couldn't even see the bite. I can see it this morning. It isn't swollen or red.


Do we let it go or should I call the dr to make sure it is a snake bite and not some rabid animal? I also thought maybe it was a bug bite or grass cut.



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did she discribe what it felt like? did it hurt a lot? that might help ID it. I am not sure what I would do...around here our nurses are great.. I can call and speak to them and they tell me what they think...sometimes it's "bring em in"...other times it's not...so I would trust my nurses to tell me what to do ro watch for or whatever. So bugs can bite hard or sting...and as long as there isn't a reaction of sorts, I usually just let it go.


Oh, were there any adults around who saw the bite? snake bites are pretty distinct...


keep us posted.

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She said it stung a lot and there are two holes about a centimeter apart. I thought spider bite but that would have been a big spider I think. It bled and the adults there thought it looked like a snake bite. We really don't have a lot of poisonous snakes around here so I'm not too worried about that. It doesn't look like an animal bite to me. I think the skin would have torn more. These look like two puncture wounds.





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We live out in the country and as a general rule, if it's not reacting we don't go in. I've gone in for a spider bite before after it caused vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness and a knot the side of a peach on my leg. I take the girls in if it is extremely swollen (they have reactions to bug bites).


I've always heard that a snake bite feels like someone hit you.


If it was an animal, you should see several teeth marks. If you see a regular pediatrician, you might want to call and speak with a nurse and ask what to do.

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