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what 4-H projects are your kids working on?

Word Nerd

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We really need to get cracking on fair projects this weekend so we don't end up waiting until the last minute like usual. DD7 looked at a lot of crafts with me on Pinterest for ideas, and after gathering supplies we're going to have a crafty weekend. I may even enter a few things in open class. Any cool 4-H projects you'd like to share?

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Ds 1 is working on computer programming, metal castings, research report on uranium mining in Michigan, rocks and minerals display, cartooning, lead pencil drawing, baked clay landscape, and rocketry.


Ds 2 - chemistry, physics, water conservation engineering, temperate rainforest conservation, Michigan Invasive Species report, international endangered species, short story writing, and rocketry


Ds 3 - astronomy, lighter than air aeronautics, robotics engineering, rainwater collection/conservation, botanical display, short story writing, landforms - specifically volcanos and their underlying structure/how that changes the type of eruption, copper tooling, and sewing.


Outside of a a couple of fine arts projects and one textiles, it's all science.



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My cloverbud is doing cardinals. His older brother is doing Ohio Birds and the two of them like to bird watch together.

My other 2 are working on scrapbooking and small engines. Not too many fun crafty things for these projects.

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Dd6 (CloverKid) is taking a stepping stone and a Coral Reef Diorama. I am hoping to have her write a "Can you find...a sea anemone, a sea urchin, a starfish, etc.....?" list for the diorama.


She also has a Snow Leopards poster from the Communication Contest a few months ago that will meet her there.

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