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Hey Oak Meadow users, could use advice


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I just replied to that thread, but wanted to chime in here ... I used OM a long time ago (PreK/K/1st) and enjoyed it back then, but stopped using it as we tried to find our groove. I picked it up almost 2 years ago (ds-almost-12 was in 5th and ds9 was in 3rd) and really enjoyed it. I just ordered OM 4 for both boys, plus we didn't do everything with OM - I kept writing/spelling/grammar as we already had things going there, plus I didn't change our math (Singapore). But, we used their science, history, and literature, which was enough to shift our days and bring a bit of fun into what we were doing. I am not entirely sure why I didn't continue last year (well, the huge Circe thread made me rethink a lot and caused us to have a very interesting year (though not in necessarily a positive way, though I learned a lot about me as a teacher). Anyway, I do not regret our time with OM, and if we were changing over to a different prepackaged curriculum, I would probably have gone back to it this year. HTH :)

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I just replied to that thread, but wanted to chime in here ... I used OM a long time ago (PreK/K/1st) and enjoyed it back then, but stopped using it as we tried to find our groove. I picked it up almost 2 years ago (ds-almost-12 was in 5th and ds9 was in 3rd) and really enjoyed it. I just ordered OM 4 for both boys, plus we didn't do everything with OM - I kept writing/spelling/grammar as we already had things going there, plus I didn't change our math (Singapore). But, we used their science, history, and literature, which was enough to shift our days and bring a bit of fun into what we were doing. I am not entirely sure why I didn't continue last year (well, the huge Circe thread made me rethink a lot and caused us to have a very interesting year (though not in necessarily a positive way, though I learned a lot about me as a teacher). Anyway, I do not regret our time with OM, and if we were changing over to a different prepackaged curriculum, I would probably have gone back to it this year. HTH :)




Thank you so much for your input--i appreciate it! If you wouldn't mind, how did the Circe thread influence your homeschooling, and why was it not in a good way?



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Thank you so much for your input--i appreciate it! If you wouldn't mind, how did the Circe thread influence your homeschooling, and why was it not in a good way?




The influence itself was good ... it made me really think quite a bit about what I was doing, how I was doing it, and why. It made me reignite my love, and our love as a family, of good literature. Interestingly enough, having the literature books scheduled in OM started us on that path. But, I also started feeling like I needed to pull from living books and not use spines or lesson plans (not that anyone was saying that but it was how I was interpreting it in our homeschool). So I pretty much decided against OM or anything else packaged and tried to go it on my own. We had a great time with literature, I didn't really change anything with Latin, spelling, or grammar. But, history and science especially were not scripted or planned at all. I mean, I did plan what I wanted to use book-wise, but really had no direction. I realized I don't do well without direction. ;) But, I am thankful for the experience because through it, I think I started to really understand the ideas behind the Circe thread. I know what I need to help me teach from a place of rest (or at least, I'm learning what I need). I like having something laid out because then I can tweak or change as I want or as we need, but I still have something to fall back onto if I need (and with four, one of whom is a very active and curious toddler, I need that safety net). So, this year coming up, I'm actually excited having lesson plans that give me an idea of pacing and topics, plus some independent-geared things for the older two boys to start stretching them.


And by the way, I've been keeping up with your other thread. I should respond there, but I'll put it here ... I know OM is Waldorf-inspired, but honestly, at least with the OM4, I did not "feel" it at all. Now, the younger grades were, which is one reason I didn't stick with it. But, I'm not a fan of Waldorf, but felt fine using OM4 (we didn't really use the art lessons at all ... maybe that is where some of the Waldorf-feeling comes from, nor did I use their math). It was a radical change from our more classical-centered routine, but it was a nice break for that year. I hope you can find something that will work for you and your kids next year. :)

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Thank you for your response! I too am not particularly drawn to Waldorf persay, but do want more of an emphasis on nature and art in our homeschool. I too like something that is my "spine" which I can layer all my tweaks upon, but still have the spine to guide me. I don't think it's possible for me to NOT tweak a curriculum, lol, so I am sure I will be adding to OM--certainly Latin, more books,some grammar, experiments, music theory....but I think having OM keep me on track in terms of NOT pushing my kids according to my OWN agenda--that will be interesting.

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Thank you for your response! I too am not particularly drawn to Waldorf persay, but do want more of an emphasis on nature and art in our homeschool. I too like something that is my "spine" which I can layer all my tweaks upon, but still have the spine to guide me. I don't think it's possible for me to NOT tweak a curriculum, lol, so I am sure I will be adding to OM--certainly Latin, more books,some grammar, experiments, music theory....but I think having OM keep me on track in terms of NOT pushing my kids according to my OWN agenda--that will be interesting.

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I do not use OM, but did consider (and reject) it. DS was in a B&M Waldorf and a PS before we went with homeschool.


I would suggest you do a year of unschool or primarily child led learning with your boys. It would be fine to let them look at the OM samples and see if they would choose if as what they want to do in terms of arts and crafts and so on if OM is something you like and feel comfortable with--however, it may not be the laid back result you want, especially if it is not the boys' choice. I do think what you had been describing sounded awfully intense, and that relaxing some could be excellent for you all, but am not sure OM is the way to accomplish that.


Why I personally rejected OM has multiple aspects to it, some of which might not apply to you. One important one that might is that I am wary of it in terms of content. I see things like pictures of Pilgrim children in the Sample materials (Gr. 5) that have the typical American myth of the Pilgrim look, relied on for public school Kindergarten Thanksgiving special events--you know, dress up with black clothes and frilly collars and foil buckles on your shoes look... When I studied about what was actually likely to be the separatists real garb, that was not it, but was rather propaganda to later try to show the pure, and religious and cultured Pilgrims versus the nearly unclothed and backwards Indians. (National Geographic and the Plimouth Plantation Historical Site have been doing work on this in recent years, with, I think, some improved information in books they have put out for children.) I do not like materials to propagate such misinformation in the content area, even if it is just pictures and even if there is some nice arts and crafts with it. I mean, tweaking is one thing, but ... I cannot spend the time to research every little thing and see if it is right or wrong, so if I see something with what seems like glaring errors right in the Sample materials, I know it is not the right stuff for my homeschool.


I did not have time to research it, but I was also suspicious of the crosses depicted on the sails of the Mayflower. Why would it have crosses? It was the ship that the "Pilgrims" were transferred to after the Speedwell sprang a leak. (I'm not even sure if the Speedwell would have had crosses.) I think it is likely also propaganda to show how religious they were, but frankly I just don't have the time or energy to go through all the bitty details in OM and figure out if they are true or not, or to try to discuss that all with ds--I'd rather try to find more accurate materials in the first place, limit school to the basics, and give ds the free time to do his own thing with arts and crafts and to follow interests on his own.

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