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Help me plan this out...


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I have searched and searched and need help planning out my HS. This is our first year doing HS; I have a 2nd grade and a K'er.

Language Arts we have

FLL, WWE, OPGtR, also some Handwriting books, printing for K, and cursive for 2nd.


Math we have MM grades 1 and 2




Elemental Science biology.


I was thinking of doing a 6wks on/1wk off year round type of schedule. I know I will do History and Science 2 days a week each with both girls. The rest of it I am not sure how to go about. 6 on/6 off will give us approx 42wks of schooling.


Those that have used MM, how many pages a day?


For my LA selections, how many times a week would you want to do? And FLL and WWE with both kids at the same time? My 2nd grade girl reads about 2 grade levels ahead.


Help a noob out!

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Welcome to the adventure that is homeschooling:)


For MM, we just do 1 lesson a day and don't do it by a certain number of pages. Sometimes if a lesson is longer or difficult for them I will break it up into 2 days, but for the most part we do one a day.


I have never used FLL so I can't help you with that. But with WWE we just do it 4 days a week. Sometimes if we are pressed for time on a certain day we will double up a couple of lessons, but I try to keep it at one a day. I would probably not start your Ker in that yet. Just work on phonics with OPGTR and handwriting and that will be plenty. Also, if your dd7 is not really familiar with narrations and dictations I would probably start her in WWE1. Better to make it doable then to overwhelm them (ask me how I know:)).


The rest looks great! We homeschool year round too and I plan 2 days for science and 2 days for history. So far it has worked out very well!

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Welcome! It looks like you have a great lineup.


Like Erin said, WWE is just done 4 days/week. FWIW, if your dd7 hasn't been doing copywork and narration yet, you may find it more appropriate to begin with WWE1. (WWE 4 is optional, and it seems that some parents are waiting until Gr. 6 to begin WWS anyway, so starting WWE1 in Gr. 2 won't leave your child "behind" in the long run.)


FLL is designed to be used 2-3 times per week. If you start with FLL 1, you could use it with both girls together, as it's almost entirely oral and very repetitious. Alternatively, you could go straight to using FLL 2 with your Gr. 2 student, and wait for another year to introduce grammar to your K student.


If your elder dd is reading ahead, is she also ready for a spelling program? I didn't see one listed in your siggy.


I haven't used MM for any length of time (I love the program, but my girls found the pages too full for them). Bear in mind that Maria Miller has deliberately included more problems than are usually needed to master a topic, so that you always have the ability to provide extra reinforcement on those topics where your student needs extra support. You may want to plan to do every other problem in a lesson and then see if your student needs more practice before assigning the others. One way to do math is to just set the timer each day. Close the books when the timer goes, and pick up again next day.

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Great advice in the first two replies. Just want to add that FLL starts at the beginning every year so just go ahead and do it on grade level. It's about 100 simple lessons so it is very gentle and relaxed and designed to be used 2-3 times a week on your 42-week schedule.


Definitely use WWE at skill level. I'd wait on your k'er for sure and get the handwriting/reading well underway first. And give your 2nd grader the week 36 evaluation for levels 1 and/or 2 to see where to start her. No shame at all in starting with level 1. It was designed to be used a huge range of grade levels.


We also school year-round. We do, usually, 5 weeks on, 1 week off unless a holiday makes 6 weeks work better. I tried six all the time and it got to be a lot. Every family is different but just wanted to throw that out there in case you are getting a lot of burnout routinely in week 6 :)

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This is what we are doing....about 6 weeks on/1 week off(which then gets messed up around the holidays and so we have some 4 week chunks in there!) and this is our planned schedule(I also have a K and 2nd) We are going to formally school m-th and then easy on friday.


Monday- Thur

Bible/Religion-all together

Math- both on level(we are using singapore so I am following the HIG on timing)

Reading- OPGTR for both on level, ETC for both- I am having my K'r go through the primers lined up with OPGTR, my 2nd grader is starting with book 2 as a refresher I expect him to fly through.


Writing/Handwriting- the 2nd grader will alternate WWE on M/W and Pentime on Tu/Th for learning cursive. The k'r will only do pentime m-th

Grammar/Spelling- Only the 2nd grader will alternate FLL book2(we have the old combined version and will skip most of the copywork) on M/W and AAS on Tue/Thur. When the K'er gets to the point I am ready for him to do AAS he will only do it 2 days a week as well. I am holding off on FLL for my K'er until 1st grade.


History is done together as a group Monday and Wednesday with the reading/map work on Monday and project on Wed.

Science is done as a group Tuesday and Thursday.

Art is Monday and Wednesday with Monday being the lesson and Wednesday being the project.


Friday is Library day, Life of Fred, Nature Walk , Sing Song Latin and any projects we may need to finish up, and hopefully piano lessons.


This will be our first year so hopefully I haven't over scheduled our days. We can always drop some of the projects if need be and slow down but maybe it will help you some! I have also only planned the first 6 weeks so that I can get a feel for how long things will take and then I can do more planning after we get into a groove and change things around if I need to. HTH!!

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