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Dr. Hive: Charley Horses, potassium supplements?


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I seem to be getting charley horses quite often this summer (I tend to get them occasionally in the summer). I know, know, know I don't drink enough water. I try. I think I'm going to also go back on some vitamins to get additional magnesium and calcium. None of the multis I've seen have potassium, though. I've heard that you can take potassium as a supplement, does anyone know anything about it? I don't love bananas; I probably have 1 every week or two. If I start a potassium supplement, is it okay to still have bananas occasionally? Anything else I should know about a potassium supplement? FWIW, I was just in the doctor about a month and a half ago and had a full blood panel done and got a stamp of approval for my health, so I don't think there are any underlying issues. Unfortunately, our weather hadn't turned "hot" yet when I went to the doctor, so I wasn't noticing the frequency that I've noticed in the last month. (Once every two weeks, maybe?) I do exercise, mostly walking. I did a bit of running on Sunday, and that afternoon I got one. Ugh.


So...potassium anyone?

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I get serious leg cramps sometimes, especially when I am running high mileage (so sweating a LOT). I read somewhere a loooong time ago that potassium could play a role, so I started drinking calcium fortified OJ when I got them, It works like MAGIC for me. (I was pregnant when I first got night leg cramps, thus I always had calcium fortified OJ in the house, and I've always kept it around since then as a good habit.)


So, FWIW, IME, potassium + calcium + a bit of hydration are all wrapped up in calcium-fortified OJ, and it works great for me.


Also, potatos are high in potassium, Yummy.

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You can have an over-the-counter potassium supplement and still eat bananas. Or you can just eat beans, spinach, potatoes, squash, dried apricots, salmon, yogurt, avocados or mushrooms - all of which have a bit more potassium than bananas.

Hmmm. Those are many of my favorite foods! I do get quite a bit through those, I think!


ps. I'll even get up in the middle of the night and drink 6-8 oz of OJ. It works like a charm. Try drinking a cup or so before bed if you get nighttime cramps. Or whenever they strike if they are day time. HTH


I'll have to try that. I do love O.J. :)

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Calcium + magnesium works great taken together at bedtime. Magnesium citrate in tablet form is most absorbed. Other forms (like mag oxide) hardly absorb. You can buy the NOW brand from amazon. I take that with peppermint tums (calcium carbonate.) I don't think you can get potassium otc. I could be wrong, but that can be dangerous to your heart. For potassium, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. OJ is a good source ;) HTH!

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Bananas are high in both magnesium AND potassium.


I am a BIG believer in getting your nutrients from real foods as much as possible. :)


I prescribe 8 oz of calcium fortified OJ + 1 small banana. Taken 30 min before bed (or whenever you have cramps). I bet you a dollar it'll help. :)

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I bought some of that calcium fortified OJ and more bananas today at the store. I would like to get what I can from real food, too, so I am going to give this a try and hopefully it will be a simple remedy. Oh, and more water.

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