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If you've taught your kids Spencerian handwriting,


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where have you gotten handwriting sheets. I have the 5 booklets from RR, but I don't think there is enough practice in them. We are learning Spencerian as a family this coming year mostly as an enrichment for Prairie Primer, but I'm trying to find a book or printouts that we can use for sustained practice.

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When I went through the books myself, I just used graph paper and a fountain pen and did extra practice of forming letters from corner to corner of each square at that 45' angle. I would make a game of trying to think of all the words that had the letters I had learned.... (name mane man enema anemone, etc...) By the end of the first book, my girls had gotten board and penmanship was a struggle. I switched them to Pentime and they both have lovely writing... I stuck through all 5 books and my writing is much, much better than it used to be.

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