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Parenting WWYD?

Plateau Mama


96 members have voted

  1. 1. Should she go on the trip?

    • It's an amazing opportunity. Let her go.
    • She didn't hold up her end of the deal, cancel the trip.
    • Wait to cancel and let her go if her grades are acceptable at the end of the year.
    • Eat Cupckes.

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You have a firm line in the sand with the no Cs, 3.6 GPA requirement and I'd stick with that. She'll either get the grades or she won't. I wouldn't flip out about the late work if it really doesn't affect her grade. The teachers established the rules and I'd let her work within their system however she wants. Chores are harder, I think all kids need reminders and most need to be hounded. It is what it is. I wouldn't deny her the trip based on my opinion of the effort she put in her chores, I'd stick with the external yardstick of her GPA. She either gets it or not and it doesn't depend on you, you just input the information and output the appropriate reward. It's not debatable, it just is. It will be a shame if she misses the trip, but that's on her, not you. It will really suck if she loses her place on the AP track and is limited to less selective universities, but there's only so much hounding you can do unless you're willing to micromanage her life. I'm glad I don't have to deal with such permanent consequences for the very typical behavior of a tween.


This is just what I was thinking.


Also, I would set up a meeting with the school. They are setting the students up for failure by letting them get away with late assignments. No college professor will let a student get away with that!

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I don't really know what you should do about the trip, but I do wonder why you are sending your daughter to a school that is that incompetent. Are there no other options available? Part of her education should be teaching her to be accountable and they clearly are failing miserably in that department.


This is the best option we have. This is the only school the gifted program is at. She applied to another school that is #9 in the nation, but was 381 on the waitlist. So it's either this school with the gifted program (and all her friends) or the local school that has nothing for her.



Also, I would set up a meeting with the school. They are setting the students up for failure by letting them get away with late assignments. No college professor will let a student get away with that!


I do plan on asking the school to explain why they allow this. I am also going to talk to the teacher that she's had the most issue with and see if we can figure something out for next year. This teacher requires a late form signed by parents. If it comes to it, I will tell my daughter that I won't sign it and if she gets a zero then that's tough. I don't know any other way to show her it's not acceptable.
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