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Gardening prizes


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My kids just don't get into the "Doing a job right just for the satisfaction of doing it right." mindset. (of course, what kids do, Right?)


Anyway, dh and I decided that they need to help in the garden this year. Sometimes I feel like the Little Red Hen...everyone prefers fresh milk from my jersey over store milk, but noone wants to help with milking. Everyone loves the fresh corn coming from the garden over the vegetable stand, but nobody wants to weed. Nothing is as good as green beans that were under the sun 20 minutes ago, but nobody wants to help plant and till the garden. ANYWAY....


This year, we want them to help, so each kid got a row in the garden to plant yesterday. I accepted their input on the veggie seeds that I ordered and we all planted. We will finish planting today. To help motivate them, dh and I are offering cash prizes for certain accomplishments in the garden.


However, I need some prize names.


Help me out!


I need 6-8 prizes to offer the kids at the end of the summer, both for effort and for results.

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Prizes sound like fun. Are you part of a 4H group? They could take their garden produce to the fair next year and get $ for efforts. It's not a huge amount, under 10.


I got tired of that little red hen routine and we assigned each kid a project area. They manage the daily, weekly monthly chores, keep track of purchasing feed, and if we sell some of their stuff we give them a kick back (like eggs, meat rabbits, honey) Of course some projects have more kick backs, but they also tend to be the harder chores. Horses meh, nothing but the satisfaction of being a big animal's best friend. She is taking them to fair so there will be some $ earned there.


Laundry, I do laundry for the youngest two. But the rest are on their own. "Laundry today, or naked tomorrow!" Yes, they do help me with the towels & sheets.



I think the hardest part for me is that I grab things back when I see getting behind. I have to remember to go get the project person and do a walk through again. Supervision is also really important. I take a stroll around after the chore hour, 3:30-4:30, to make sure things were done. Early bedtimes for those who lie or didn't get it done AND finishing the chore with Mom narrating the blow by blow. :lol:


They love giving me their shopping lists when we head to town. "Mom, the chickens are out of feed. And we need some.....!"

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**Most weed free**, # of lbs of a specific produce, healthiest plants, something like best waterer, but I'm not sure how to say that. Sunniest worker (attitude), Most knowledgable--extra reading and learning about some aspect of gardening. You might think of doing weekly award, too--most weeds pulled, most green beans, etc.

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