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Question about Reading Eggs

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We signed up for Reading Eggs yesterday. My boys noticed the Treasure Chests on the path and were very excited to do enough lessons to get to that point on the path so they could open it and see what the special surprise inside was (their assumption. I mean, it's a TREASURE Chest, so it should have a reward inside, right?) Builder Boy did 2 lessons yesterday and 4 lessons today to get to the chest....and it didn't open. Nothing. What are we missing? How do we open those things? Is there something extra off the path we have to do to open them? I mean, they're there for a reason, right? You don't just wave TREASURE Chests in front of little kids and then do nothing with them.....right?



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But when they finish the level - before going to the next stepping stone on the path an egg cracks open and they get a new animal-ish thing. My 6 year old loves to try to guess what is going to be in the egg (the pattern on the egg always gives a hint to the contents).


They also get golden eggs for completing activities/lessons and those can be traded in in the store for things to fill the house, and they can be used to play arcade games once the arcade is open (you have to be on a certain level for it to be available I think).



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