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Grammar and Phonics Review for Adult Self-Study

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I've decided to go back to the basics this summer, and try to improve my English language skills ...


I'm looking for a thorough review of English Grammar. I like the looks of Analytical Grammar, but the cost is a bit more than what I was hoping to spend. Does anyone have any recommendations for similar, but less expensive (and maybe a bit more advanced), products? In other words, does a college-level grammar workbook exist?


On a similar note, I'm also looking for a "phonics for adults" type of book. I love, love, love the looks of All About Spelling (would have been perfect for me when I was a kid!), but there is no way I can afford to purchase all seven levels. And it is a bit too juvenile for me. I would also really like to find something that has an audio component. I'm beginning to think the reason I've always been such a horrible speller is that I never really learned to "hear" words correctly.



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For phonics I highly recommend Spell to Write and Read. The basic kit or just the phonogram cards/phonograms CD/spelling rules is all you need to get started. Check http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/048480/. By listening to the phonograms, reviewing the spelling rules you will deepen your understanding English phonics. English is not my mother tongue, so i struggled understanding the reasons in pronunciation differences even for the same letter, but in learning the phonograms and the spelling rules in order to teach my K son reading, I myself have had many "oh! That is why! Now I get it" moments. I would also recommend for you to join their yahoo group SpellToWriteAndRead@yahoogroups.com, the author and other trainers walk you through he process so kindly. They are available to answer questions, if you stumble upon something.


Best wishes. Rosa

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