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Sitting in on a class...

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My ds was offered the chance to take a Philosophy elective and a Government elective this year in our TOG co-op (each 1/2 a year). I didn't think he would have the time to do the work for the class so I wasn't going to put him into it. However it ended up at a time when he was free anyway. So he sat in on the class. .. he made it a class for two students. Although he didn't do the reading or the assignments for either class he was still able to participate by relying on his reading from history & literature classes and his own knowledge. When necessary he just had the other student or teacher lecture on the new material and then they had some great discussions. I wasn't in the class but I did hear about their great discussions. So, do I put this class on his transcript? If so, how? Do I give him a 1/2 credit each? 1/4 credit each? put it down as Auditing? or not mention them at all?


What does the hive think? :confused1:

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First, since this was Tapestry, the credit should be 1/4, since they expect that 4 years of tapestry will equal one credit in each of the electives.


Next, I'd ask the person who taught these classes what they think.


Generally because of my first point, I'd be more inclined to give him credit if he was a freshmen and you will do this co-op for three more years and in the following years do the full amount of work. If, on the other hand, this is the only year he does these classes then I'd just skip dealing with them. I lean more towards the protect the integrity of your transcript camp than the give it credit camp, so I am sure you will hear others who will give credit.

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The fact that he did not do any of the reading or assignments makes me question whether or not to even count it separately. Actual class hours would come to 15 or less per class, right? At that point I would just consider those a part of another class. For example, I would include the hours in the government class as part of whatever he studied for history that year. Without the time spent working outside of class I do not think this counts for much as credit.

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Actually, he is in 11th grade and will be dual enrolling at the local community college next year... so we won't be continuing the co-op for him (only for my other kids). So I'm really down to considering if I want to put it on the transcript and mark it 'audit' ... and not give grades or credit for it. It will probably be the only form of government class or philosophy class that he will get to do.

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I'm not familiar with TOG, but couldn't he do the required reading and assignments and use whatever else is needed to make it truly worth two half credits? Philosophy is generally considered an elective, but American Government is often a required high school course.


No, too late for that option. He just didn't have time this year and we will not be going back over it this summer... it's not worth it. We don't actually have course requirements here. Perhaps if he was going on to a 4 yr directly then we may have pushed for it but he will do the CC option first and then transfer.

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