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Help me pick a Bday gift for my soon to be 6 year old ds!!!


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Background: My ds will be 6 in about a month and I'm clueless what to get him. He's smart and he likes to DO things---"REAL things" according to him. Toys are just not going to be well received. He doesn't like "baby-ish" things.


We have plenty of games and puzzles etc.


I'm leaning toward something science-like. He loves science. He has enjoyed the kits where you dig out a dino and assemble it, or dig out gemstones, or build a volcano ....and he has a good time doing it but he seems disappointed with the one time use of the kit.


We keep bugs in the house---snails and pill bugs. So I don't think he'll be impressed with a bug kit because he does that on his own already. Same with plant kits. He does that on his own.


I've looked at various science kits and some of the elements seem "baby-ish" (babyish in relation to how I know my ds will look at it). Crafty coloring type activities, plastic animals or bugs or dinos, anything like that and he'll declare it "not real."


He uses a microscope and loupes etc. Chemistry kits have to be real and not focus on the wow factor of making goo or mixing baking soda and vinegar or he will not be impressed. Thing is it has to safe and age appropriate as well.


Building sets frustrate him---we have various blocks and legos and railroad track and even attempted to build a Chaos structure but he was just frustrated with it and then again said it was just pretending to build something.


He has a bike, a trike, a PowerWheels, and sports equipment. They have tech toys--DS and Wii etc.


He loves books on prehistoric life, but then again we have several of those.


We do plan on going to a children's museum as part of his gift. But I'm at a lost for anything else.

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What about a basic toolbox, filled, and some scrap wood or a plan-building book?


He can learn and start to build REAL things using real tools and real materials: boxes, frames, pot rests, etc. With help, he may even be able to start work on a larger project: birdhouse, fort/clubhouse, etc. In the meanwhile he can also help "fix" things around the house.


Another idea is supplies to build a marshmallow gun: PVC pipes, a cutter, and a bag of mini-marshmallows. It's a kit but it's a "real" project and far from babyish. You can include targets (we laminated pictures of the various wildlife we find around our parts as targets). My adult boy will still get out there with my younger ones to have marshmallow wars in the back yard.


Happy Birthday to him! I have a nephew like this and it was a challenge to buy for him until he hit about ten, and then it just got expensive LOL.

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My ds has the tool set and loves it. He uses it only under supervision outside (and just with scrap wood). We do let him have the tape measurer whenever he wants, and he loves to use that to measure.


Ds (who will be 6 in July) also loves cameras. We're actually getting him a real camera (i.e. not a kid's one) for his birthday this year. We got him this one based on a recommendation from a friend (liked the waterproof part!) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0073HSJGU/ref=oh_details_o06_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Field guides

Geology guides to your area

Check with your local county extension service to see if they have a jr Master Gardener or other program (gift tie in of garden tools)

What about hiking trail maps into local areas with different geographic landmarks/highlights (gift tie in of hiking backpack and supplies)

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Thank you for the ideas. I do like the woodworking idea. Dh and I have also considered materials and plans for a backyard playhouse and letting him help us build it. Snap Circuits---can't believe I forgot those. Also does anyone have any experience with the kits that help you build a solar powered car or robot from recycled materials?

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