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FIAR for 2nd grader after HOD Beyond


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I did HOD Beyond with my 1st and 3rd graders this year. (I also have a 9th grader in MTMM) I want to separate my younger two this coming year. My then 4th grader will be in Bigger with extensions, my 10th grader will be in the new HOD Geography Guide and I've been thinking of doing something more fun for my 2nd grader. I want her to enjoy school a little more than she has been. I just need feedback that FIAR will not be too simplistic for her. Should I go with FIAR or BFIAR? She just turned 7 this month. I will be adding Math, Language Arts and Science. Thanks for any feedback!

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It wasn't too simplistic for my dd. I used mostly vol 4 (which is more advanced than vols 1-3) and we both enjoyed it greatly. I generally try to add a related topical history or science book and a chapter book for most units. For instance we will soon be using Bravest of Us All (a former vol 4 row now only available via download) and we will be reading a short bio about Clara Barton (relates to overcoming fears), a picture book about Van Gogh (related to the Sunflower painting), doing a short study on windmills and more.


I use vols 1-3 the same way, but vol 4 is already more complicated.


We have also rowed the Boxcar BY unit. It was also very good. We read The Amazing Potato and Children of the Dustbowl while rowing this unit.


I really like that I can pick and choose which topics to delve in and which ones to breeze over. My dd was in the 2nd this year. We will still be rowing off and on for at least 2 more years.

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Take a look at Memoria Press' 2nd grade program. Focus only on the enrichment portion. I used it this past year and it was very much like FIAR with a little more guidance. I only added in art projects. Obviously, I also did my own math and Language Arts.


  • So basically I used the story book of the week, (they were all fantastic!)
  • Music - We watched videos on Youtube and talked about the instruments as most of the pieces had live orchestras he could see.
  • Art Prints - I made my own prints by getting them printed at my local Walgreens as photographs. He added them to an album each week and would recite the artist and title. When I introduced it each week, we would talk about it or play little games with the prints like, "Look at the print for 1 minute, now let me take it and you describe it to me."
  • Social Studies - This was very FIAR but more specific. Sometimes I would get extra non-fiction books to supplement the topic or we might watch a DVD or youtube.
  • Science - Again, very FIAR. I also added to this on occasion.
  • Art Projects - These were added by me. I looked online at the beginning of the year for projects that coordinated.


I felt this was more streamlined than FIAR and I enjoyed the year immensly. We are also a HOD family but not until Preparing.

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Thanks Susie! That does help. Yes, I did find the forums on FIAR however, I didn't find it helpful for new people trying to find out more about it. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. (?) I really like the sound of FIAR. I just want to make the best choice for my daughter and myself. :) Would you suggest starting with vol. 1-3 and then maybe 2nd semester going to vol. 4 or just jump right into Vol. 4? Thanks!

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Thanks for the suggestion to look into Memoria Press. I have the catalog sitting on top of the printer now. I never have looked at it too indepth. So did you use just the supplemental read aloud program for 2nd? Does that include social studies and science? Is the literature part of the social studies also or just the read alouds? I assume you would also need to purchase the 2nd grade lesson plans also to make it all work? Was that all you purchased from them?


I am using CLE math, Rod & Staff grammar and spelling. Also, adding in a handwriting program...considering Pentime. I'm also planning to use HODs emerging readers. Have you used Memoria Press' Copybook or anything else? It all looks intriguing. I'm going to have to give this some thought. Have you used FIAR in the past also? Thanks for your help and suggestion!


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Yes, the supplemental reading is what is used in the enrichment section. I just checked the books out from the library. Memoria Press pulls their Social Studies and Science lessons from those books. that is what makes it feel like FIAR. The literature is a different part of the program and I didn't use that portion. I just purchased the Teachers Guide from them, that is all. If you end up going this route, I will have a gently used 2nd grade TM available for sale in about a week.


Now here is where this gets weird. We also use CLE math, Rod & Staff grammar and spelling and my handwriting program has been Pentime for years now! lol I used Memoria's copy work and found it just OK. I don't plan to use it again. Besides, Pentime has wonderful copy work built right in. I have used HOD emerging readers for my kids as well. I really like them. Since we seem to be so in sync, what do you use to teach reading?

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Thanks Susie! That does help. Yes, I did find the forums on FIAR however, I didn't find it helpful for new people trying to find out more about it. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. (?) I really like the sound of FIAR. I just want to make the best choice for my daughter and myself. :) Would you suggest starting with vol. 1-3 and then maybe 2nd semester going to vol. 4 or just jump right into Vol. 4? Thanks!


I was mainly suggesting the forum because you can ask the same questions there and get more answers than you would here. Though it is a bit slow right now due to the summer season. Sorry, I wasn't clear on that. But also there is a sticky at the top that has Jane Claires helpful tips for beginners. These may be of some assistance to you.


I can do any row from vols 1-3 and make them work for a 2nd grader, but some who start with those 3 just get the felling that FIAR will only work for a Ker. But if you had your hands on vol 4 you could see a world of a difference in skill level. That being said I don't want to discourage you from any of vols 1-3 >they are wonderful!< , but just want you to be aware that if you did try them and it wasn't enough for you then vol 4 would certainly be more advanced. Have you seen the Ping sample you can down load and try for free? If you try that and it isn't quite as much as what you want then I would suggest starting in vol 4.



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Thank you Susie! I will definitely look at the tips for beginners and will download the Ping sample also. I'm hoping to make this year a relaxing fun year for her and more one on one time. I have a feeling vol. 1-3 will be fine, my biggest concern was that she might think it was babyish. If I decide on FIAR I may combine from all 4 volumes. Does Vol. 1 have the easiest books? If so maybe that would be the one to skip...


Freeindeed, thanks for your vote! :) I'm considering some of the Draw Write Now books. I'll take a look at your other suggestions too.


Michelle, wow that is uncanny that we are using the same things. We've been doing CLE math for a while now with my youngest two. I love it! My 1st grader seems overwhelmed with it though but I think it has to do with sticking to it and not being distracted. I've cut it down to one page a day now that we are close to the end and will have her do a page a day over the summer. I'm switching from CLE grammar to Rod & Staff this coming year and I've heard so much about Pentime I'm deciding to try that. My 3rd grader used Cheerful cursive this past year. Have you used the cursive for Pentime also? You are right, memoria's copywork would be more than they would need. For reading I used The Reading Lesson for my 2 youngest. (I have 5 kids...2 have graduated) For my 1st grader part way I switched her over to CLE's Learning to Read. It's funny how some kids are a natural at learning to read and others it is more of a struggle. I will be praying about my decision between FIAR and Memoria Press. Unfortunately, we have a small library and live in the country so I see myself having to purchase the books instead of using the library for either FIAR or Memoria Press. Half the time their card catalog computer doesn't even work. Michelle, how much time would you say Memoria Press takes you? Just something I want to consider since I have one going into HOD Bigger and another in the new HOD Geography Guide. Are there samples showing how the history and science is worked into the books? Thanks again!

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Michelle, another question. How are the books read. For instance with FIAR most people read the book every day for 5 days. How are the books read for Memoria Press? One the first day only, every day, etc.? Also, I assume the exact book they sell is not necessary for page numbers etc.?


Susie, I'm glad to hear you like Pentime! I'm excited to try it this year!

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Michelle, wow that is uncanny that we are using the same things. We've been doing CLE math for a while now with my youngest two. I love it! My 1st grader seems overwhelmed with it though but I think it has to do with sticking to it and not being distracted. I've cut it down to one page a day now that we are close to the end and will have her do a page a day over the summer. I'm switching from CLE grammar to Rod & Staff this coming year and I've heard so much about Pentime I'm deciding to try that. My 3rd grader used Cheerful cursive this past year. Have you used the cursive for Pentime also? You are right, memoria's copywork would be more than they would need. For reading I used The Reading Lesson for my 2 youngest. (I have 5 kids...2 have graduated) For my 1st grader part way I switched her over to CLE's Learning to Read. It's funny how some kids are a natural at learning to read and others it is more of a struggle. I will be praying about my decision between FIAR and Memoria Press. Unfortunately, we have a small library and live in the country so I see myself having to purchase the books instead of using the library for either FIAR or Memoria Press. Half the time their card catalog computer doesn't even work. Michelle, how much time would you say Memoria Press takes you? Just something I want to consider since I have one going into HOD Bigger and another in the new HOD Geography Guide. Are there samples showing how the history and science is worked into the books? Thanks again!


Ok, I have 5 kids also and just graduated my oldest this year! Anyhow, I have used most of the Pentime books as we have been using them with all my kids for years. I love the cursive as it is very standard writing without any strange letters. I also love the themes each book has. A favorite was the bird theme. My girls have enjoyed copying the educational paragraphs about the birds and the. Referring to the full color chart if the birds in the back of the book to color in the black and white version on their copy work page.


Using Memoria the way I have took about an hour to 1 1/2 hours of direct one on one work with my son including math and reading. Usually about an hour however as he could do some work on his own.


As far as purchasing the books, I would look and see which ones your library has and then try to get used copies of the others online. They are wonderful, library building books worth owning. You would have to do the same with FIAR also but the problem you might find with FIAR is the amount of OOP books on their lists.

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Also, they recommend you read the books multiple times each week. Sometimes we did, sometimes we didn't. I would look to see if there was an animated version or a book on tape sometimes. It doesn't matter which version you use as you read the whole book anyhow. One of the really nice things about this program is it is rich on its own but it leaves you time to add things if you want to. Next year we are adding in Beautiful Feet Geography.

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Thanks for all your help Michelle! You have given me alot to think about and consider. That's neat we both have 5 kids also! I bet I have you beat on grandkids though. I have 2 little ones. :) We have a large age gap in our kids. 24, 22, 15, 9 & 7. Congratulations on your grad this year!

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Ok, I have 5 kids also and just graduated my oldest this year! Anyhow, I have used most of the Pentime books as we have been using them with all my kids for years. I love the cursive as it is very standard writing without any strange letters. I also love the themes each book has. A favorite was the bird theme. My girls have enjoyed copying the educational paragraphs about the birds and the. Referring to the full color chart if the birds in the back of the book to color in the black and white version on their copy work page.

Can I ask you which one had the birds in it? I bought the 2nd grade and 4th grade one for my kids to practice handwriting over the summer.

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Thanks for all your help Michelle! You have given me alot to think about and consider. That's neat we both have 5 kids also! I bet I have you beat on grandkids though. I have 2 little ones. :) We have a large age gap in our kids. 24, 22, 15, 9 & 7. Congratulations on your grad this year!


No grandkids for me! :) My kids are 18, 16, 13, 10 & 7. The first four are girls and the last one is a boy.

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