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Keep Going or Find More to Do?

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LegoMan loves math. He's not quite 6 and we are working our way through SM2B. We are finally slowing down a bit and I have hope it will take us 2-3 months to get through this set of books. It may be wishful thinking though, level 2A took us just over a month. He also does LOF but just for fun. I'm planning to start BA when we start SM3A. Should I do RSC or something that is drastically different (I'm thinking the drawing and geometry are not really covered like that in SM) to fill time and give him more experience or just keep plugging away at SM and soon BA? I know working 2 years ahead is nothing compared to some of your kids, I'm just new to this and trying to figure out the best way to challenge him without driving both of us nuts.



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If you've got the time, energy and money to invest in it, and LegoMan is interested, I think the idea of adding something as different as you say is a great idea. I am not familiar with SM or RS to comment specifically, though.

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Have you checked out the Challenging Word Problem or Intensive Practice books that go along with SM?

:iagree: Check out CWP, IP and all the other books published by SM. And you may also want to throw in MEP math or miquon and some online programs like EPGY and DreamBox. That should slow down LegoMan enough!

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