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Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" -- appropriate for 6th grade?

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DD (rising 6th) read Lamb last year and liked it. I want to use the Coville books with at least my rising 3rd grade son next year, and I thought I'd have DD read a full play alongside of us. Of the Coville books that our library has, DD says she liked "The Winter's Tale" from Lamb and is interested in reading it. It's not one I've read (though hopefully I can remedy that next year), so I want to know if there's anything particularly inappropriate in it for a 6th grader.


Also, is there a decent modern translation of the full play (not a summary/story) that she could read alongside the original? There's not a NoFear Shakespeare version of that one, unfortunately.

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I like the Oxford School Shakespeare series, which does have the Winters Tale. It's not a parallel text, but they've defined the tricky words and offer a background and summary.



Thank you so much! I think having the explanations right there will be helpful to her. I'll look for that series.

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