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Miquon and Singapore

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If you use miquon and Singapore, and in Singapore include textbook/workbook, HIG, intensive practice, challenging word problems. How do you schedule it all? I see all of this a complete well rounded maths program. Do you assign a set number of pages each day? Miquon on Monday, intensive practice on Friday, challenging word problems on Thursday....

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We always went based on time. Some days we didn't accomplish much...others we did quite a lot.

I have a rough schedule based on one Singapore level per year, so I want to get through A at the end of 90 days (aiming for the test at the last day - use the placement test as the end of level test ) and B at the end of 180 days.


I'd use Singapore as the main spine and then add in Miquon for extra practice. I really do like how Miquon introduces concepts. Miquon does a really good job of the concrete to abstract when using the Cuisinaire rods. I used Miquon for division with remainder. I do NOT like stating the remainder. Miquon shows it more as a fraction and is much better. Miquon is weak on word problems, but the Cuisinaire rods work great for the bar models for Singapore.


So... set time per day, making sure to get text, WB for Singapore done with the aim of 90 and 180 days.

Add in CWP, IP, Miquon as needed and as they fit.

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We usually do a (Singapore) textbook lesson per day as well as the workbook ex. listed at the end of the textbook lesson. In the case of reviews (often a text book and workbook review listed in one lesson) I spread it out over 2 days and use each as an assessment/test. We do not do the IP or test books, for the time involvement it will wear me and mine down. I just ordered the CWP 3&4 for next year, because we struggle with word problems and need the extra practice (we will do the word problems of the level below, so my 4th grader will do CWP3, in order to get practice in thinking and yet not be discouraged for not getting any right:-) We plan to do a word problem per day. Maybe two depending on how well the first one went.

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My rough plan for next year is approximately four pages of Singapore one day, then four pages of Miquon the next, and so on, alternating. Some days, it's only two pages, and some days, it's six; it really depends on how arduous it is and how long it takes. May or may not add the HIG stuff in there -- maybe do fewer pages plus some HIG stuff, or maybe do the HIG stuff on the Miquon days. I don't have the IP but might get it at some point. I think we'll do the CWP after we finish the A and B levels of Singapore, before moving on to the next level.

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