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If You are Fluent in IEW......

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Yes, I bought the TWSS and SWI-A last year, and felt that I could have gotten away with just the SWI. If you have access to TWSS through your library or could borrow it from a friend, that would be ideal, but you could do without it if that's not an option.


If you plan to teach any of IEW's theme based units later on, I think you will need to be very familiar with the concepts in TWSS to be proficient.

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Both TWSS and SWI is redundant for most people. TWSS was their original product. SWI was the follow-up product for people like me who wanted more hand-holding than provided by TWSS and also wanted the sources/assignments laid out and ready to go. Most people shouldn't really need both TWSS and SWI, if you watch the SWI with your DC.

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If I watch the SWI-A video with my child, will that be enough?



Just adding to the consensus and mentioning that the part I bolded above is the clincher for if you can get away with not getting the TWSS. If you don't watch along there is no way you will be able to adequately help if your dc gets stuck, or be able to assess their progress.

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