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Elementary Science


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I hate my Science curriculum and really need suggestions for grades 1-3 science. We are currently using k12 and though we just started it I feel like it is very simplistic. My dc don't seem to mind but I don't feel like they are learning anything. What is your favorite science currculum for elementary? I have heard great things about Nancy Larson but can't get over the price.I also heard about Elemental Science but know nothing about it.

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Mr Q science might appeal to you. Life Science is free to download.

Simple Schooling Classical Nature Study is all online. Ds loved it here. She also has Unit Studies on her website.

DD will do McRuffy Science next year.

Some people like Evan Moor Daily Science.

Edeemarie on here has her own science plans using some Scholastic Books and Magic School House DVDs.


I think you might want to consider what you want to study and how your children learn best.

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I used Mcruffy science and really liked it. I guess I just wish there were more visual elements of this curriculm like videos or books.What grade level are you using next year? I have used k and dc loved it.

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I used Mcruffy science and really liked it. I guess I just wish there were more visual elements of this curriculm like videos or books.What grade level are you using next year? I have used k and dc loved it.


DD will be using grade 1 in the fall. I just need to get the kit with the wires, bulb, etc. DS would go nuts studying the same topic all year. She likes variety. I will go down rabbit trails, if desire is there. I was going to line up some videos for it over the summer. I don't have time for it right now.

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Elemental Science is the easiest science I have done in my 20 yrs of homeschool (beside just getting library books and read). It takes at most 15 mins a day if you do the 5 day schedule. You or your child reads a 1 -2 page spread in the book mentioned (but you can use any science book that covers the topic for the day). Have the child narrate a sentence of 2 into the notebook and add the picture that is provided. You have an experiment a week that is easy, quick and fun AND will use normal household supplies. That is it. There is an optional poem to memorize and vocabulary you could have your child copy (I never did) and sometimes there is an ongoing project. When we did ES Life Science I added in RSO Life Science for more experiments just because dd loves science but it is not necessary. Also the book ES recommends for experiments, Jan Van Cleaves book, will have more experiments then assigned and we did these also.

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