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DD10 interested in video/film making

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My dd10 is active in theater and has recently expressed interest in digital video/film making. Well, this interest was first expressed in the form of snaking my old, disconnected iPhone and using it to make movies - of herself & her friends, of her breyer horses, of anything and everything. She loves it. A friend of hers has a video recorder and they make movies at her house, too.


It's gradually dawning on me that she is really into this, and would like to go further than she can using my old iPhone. She's asking for a video camera for birthday/Xmas. That I'll have to research, and figure out what we can afford, but besides equipment, and checking out a bunch of books from the library, is there something else I can be doing right now to provide her resources to pursue this interest? This is something I know zero about. And I don't really just want to turn her loose on the web to do searches on her own, I would like to be able to direct her to some good, kid-friendly websites or other resources, get her a great book, video, or whatever. Any suggestions?

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for YOU to research:

For resources, you'll need a camera, an ability to transfer the camera's images to the computer, and software for editing/special effects. If you have a PC, then check out downloading the free Microsoft Movie Maker. OR, if you have a Mac or are Mac compatible, you can download Apple's iMovie for free. Here's an article for YOU on top camcorders for kids, with links to additional articles on shopping for/buying a video camera.



resources to help DD right NOW

This book is a super introduction for kids on how to go about making a movie: Attack of the Killer Video Book: Tips & Tricks for Young Directors (Shulman/Krog). Tricky Video (Klutz book by Cassidy) is a nice companion book at this stage with basic "how to" for editing and different types of special effects.



more resources for you (and maybe DD) to check out:

Here is a past thread with links to lots of ideas and resources: Any resources for a 9yo who is interested in film/movie making?


If DD is specifically interested in doing animation with Legos, toys, clay figures, etc.:

- past threads: Movie editing software/claymation, etc., Stop-motion video question, and, Movie-making and digital art

- the Klutz Book of Animation, which comes with free software for animation

- here's a free downloadable software for Mac just for doing animation: http://download.cnet...4-10784553.html



Some resources for LATER, if DD gets more deeply into this interest:

- a FREE Moviemaking Curriculum from Apple -- grade 8+; 16-week course; very detailed lesson plans

- Filmmaking for Teens(Lanier) -- grade 9+; very detailed professional book

- Filmmaking for Dummies (Stoller) -- age 13+

- iMovie HD and iDVD 5: The Missing Manual (Pogue) -- age 13+

- HDDSLR Cinema with Vince Laforet -- age 15+; $129 download, 24 hours of instruction, specifics, and seeing actual production in digital filmmaking, using high-end still-frame cameras (where the film industry is headed) with mega-memory



Happy movie making! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.

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