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Give me your input on BJU English and Reading


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I was looking at BJU English for dd next year (2nd grade)....while looking at their site, I also was looking at their Reading now....would love to hear any input/experiences with BJU!


ETA: I have never seen any BJUP items in person and I know nothing about them, so I'm a 'newbie' with BJU items :)



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BJU English is a very solid program IF you use it with the manual. The program is set up to do a chapter of grammar then a chapter of writing, alternating through the year. The grammar is work on together prior to the workpage and the student has a chance to actually practice what they learned by writing an original sentence or two containing the lesson learned. The writing portion is excellent in my opinion. It firsts walks you through a writing assignment you do along with the child. (each different writing chapter will include a different type of organizing to show the many ways to organize your thought before writing). After you go through the many stepd of writing together and the child is then given a writing assignment they do solo (but the together work gives the confidence to do a solo).


The reading is very good. Stories are interesting and are not watered down. The manual will give discussion questions that will apply different skills to answer. Some make the mistake of trying to use all the questions and they burn out....the questions are meant to pick and choose from. There is a work page for the days reading, for 2nd grade there will be a phonics review included on the work page. Every so many lessons you will get a literary lesson: character, setting, reference books, theme, main idea, and so on. There is also enrichment work at the end of some lessons which might include art or writing.

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I have BJU Reading 2 (and it's listed on the Classifieds right now, new).

I actually really, really like the look of it. I was planning on using the Reading 2 next year for my oldest, but we've really struggled with her reading this year (I would say she's only at the start-of-1st grade on reading level, so the program is above her.... and I have to sell it to purchase something different for next year).


But the reading program has 2 readers, with a variety of stories/genres. The worktext has a lesson/page that correlates with each day's reading selection. Some of the workbook pages are phonic review, some are comprehension pages relating to the story.


I've also been impressed with their Spelling and English worktexts. I like the layout of the spelling lessons (includes word sorts and word studies and dictionary skills.... though the lists are a bit long). English 2 looks nice & gentle. (I'm still debating on whether or not to keep the Spelling & English workbooks b/c I'm looking to pick up a program that's all-inclusive.....) I'll be contrary and say that from looking at the English 2 worktext, I feel I could easily teach the program from just that (I do have the guides for the Reading program, though.... I liked that they included questions to guide reading and include different levels of understanding.)

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i've used bju english in grades 3 & 4 with my daughter. we loved it! we used the dvd's & i liked those a lot too. i'm not sure about the 2nd grade program. i'm sure it's great as well. for some reason if it becomes too much work for your little one though (which i've read is the case for some children), than i would suggest going at a slower pace than instructed. :)


i have no experience with their reading program though, so i can't help there.

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Thanks for the input! :) We used AAR this year.....she starated about 2/3 through AAR1, then she just finished up AAR2. AAR3 isn't out yet and as far as I know isn't scheduled to be available until later this year. I was originally looked at the BJU site for their English (to replace FLL), but then took a peek at their reading. I'm not sure if I should continue with AAR and wait for level 3 to be released (I just hate that it's not going to be out for a while....we've just been continuing w/ AAS and reading chaper books), or if I should look further into BJU.


Any input on how BJU would compare with AAR?

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I tried out BJU Reading 3 & 5 for about a week. There is phonics reinforcement/review all the way through 5th gr., which I love. I also love the literary elements & devices they teach. I stopped after a week because it took an hour per lesson per child, and we just didn't have room for that on our schedule. I went with CLE Reading for that reason at the time, and would go w/ them if I ever chose a textbook reading program again. I like their scope equally as well, but I think BJU has a lot more built-in discussion in the form of Q & A in the TM (probably too much, actually - you're supposed to pick & choose how much and which type to use with each child per their needs, and the TM guides you in determining that).

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