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portable, but still stretch-out-able timeline book?


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Some friends & I are getting together next year with our families to flesh out CC memory work.


One of the things we would like to do is have each kid make their own timeline book.


We would love something that fanfolds up, so that you can stretch it out at home to really see the passage of time, and yet can be brought to the co-op and taken back home easily, maybe in a 3 ring binder.


We will probably have 20-30 kids, so we can't easily make one per kid if it is complicated.


Is there such thing on the market as a timeline that is both usable in a binder, AND can be stretched out across the floor?


Remember that old timey printer paper that came connected from one page to the next? I am thinking of something like that, but 3 holepunched so it could go in a binder, and already printed with lines & dates on it.

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I made one like you are describing. In Excel I created the lines across the pages and put on the dates. Printed them out on card stock, and used clear Contac paper to "laminate"and hold the pages together in a long strip. I didn't hole-punch them, but you easily could.

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We used manila file folders. Cut off the little tabs that stick out (where you would normally label a folder). Then, each one overlaps the next. Tape the top and bottom of the right half of one file folder completely overlaying the left half of the next folder. Keep going with the next and the next alternating which way they face so that they naturally will fold up accordion style. You can do the Ancients on one side and mark out 100-500 years to a section (depending on how many files you want to use and how much detail), then flip it over to do more modern times with maybe 50-100 yrs to a section.

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Well, what about investigating whether a local copy shop can do part of the work for you. Can they laminate a long strip of sheets? Can they print out a long timeline that doesn't need to be laminated, just folded? Can the kids do some of the work at the first meeting? Maybe they could add a page or two each week.


Just throwing out ideas. I hope you figure something out!

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The Pandia Press one is made to do that - I have the older version and was pondering the new one that folded.... but it was sold out everywhere anyway :(


Someone had a link to a display board one they had set up. Slightly bigger than a binder, but those are $1 at Dollar Tree and each family could do their own.


In my case, my old one is hung in the hall - and I have some closet doors being stored there since they came off their tracks. I guess I should just find them a new home and use what I have!

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