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What grade is WWE for?

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Level one is geared toward a 1st grader, level 2 2nd, level 3 3rd & 4 4th but I'll be using Level 1 for a 2nd grader and so forth. Some people are also using it for their older children, but to answer if it goes along with FLL it does.


If using WWE with FLL I would skip the copywork/dictation from FLL.



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Level one is geared toward a 1st grader, level 2 2nd, level 3 3rd & 4 4th but I'll be using Level 1 for a 2nd grader and so forth. Some people are also using it for their older children, but to answer if it goes along with FLL it does.


If using WWE with FLL I would skip the copywork/dictation from FLL.




Thank you! Very helpful.

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The teacher manual, hard back text is all of levels 1-4, basically grades 1st through 4th. Of course many people are using it with older children, because it seems to make such a good foundation, that if thier logic aged children are still stuck on dictation and narration, it will work to get those skills set.


Right now there are workbooks for level 1 and very shortly level 2.


My kids are also a year behind in levels, my 2nd will do level 1 and my 3rd will do level 2. We aren't using FLL, and while they do slightly correlate, I think it is more important that you use the levels of both WWE and FLL that you child needs, then to try to match them up.

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