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Lightening Lit

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I am considering Lightening Literature 7 for my ds10 next year- he will be in 6th grade. He has already read some of the books- Tom Sawyer and Alice, ...but we did not analyze them or anything. Same for LL8; he has read A Christmas Carol and the Hobbitbut both were just for his enjoyment. Would he still benefit from the program?


He is an excellent reader and I guess I worry it is time to do something more with literature. I am not set on this curriculum; just thought it would be kind of a gentle intro.


ANy other ideas? We generally prefer secular friendly material.

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You might also want to check out the lit guides by Garlic Press. I've bought 2 for next year based on recommendations here on the board, especially Lori D. (I think), whose advice I always love hearing. As to your question, IMHO, reading a book for analysis purposes, after you've read it previously for enjoyment, seems like a good intro to lit analysis, at least for my DS. Perhaps being familiar with the story already will help focus more on the analysis.

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My sons both did LL7 as 6th graders as a gentle literary introduction. I thought it worked well. (for the record I think the occasional "word search" exercises don't add anything, and are certainly skippable, but my boys loved doing them and never skipped them) We usually would pick one of the writing exercises at the end of each unit, since we were using a different program for writing. We've also done the Progeny Press guides, which have some overtly religious content. Those are good if you want to do a particular book. They do tend to be long, and sometimes my boys have burnt out on them.


Edited to add: We finished LL before the end of the year, so added some Progeny Press guides to finish out the year.

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