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Why the dislike for Sonlight?


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I thought I wasn't going to like Sonlight but then loved it when we tried it. I was very happy with P3/4, Core D and Sonlight Science A. We just worked on the Core materials with D, not the Bible or LA.


I'm seriously considering P4/5 for my small girl next fall.

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What, for example, is the "slavery issue" referenced in this thread?



A recently locked thread on this board. Search for Sonlight and slavery and you'll find it. John Holzmann, founder/owner/writer of the notes for Core 100 chimed in on the thread.


I am confused, Celtic dragon.

You school felt EHE was too wek or core 5/ F was too weak?

Because the EHE is not weak. Its completely inappropriate for the age level it targets- over the head of an average 5th grader and the core it is associated with is a very rich and full core tho I do agree that too many of the books are about western perceptions of a culture not about the culture itself. I have a hard time buying that anyone would say with a straight face that its a weak core.



Not Celtic dragon, but it sounded like she was saying that they felt it was too "missionary" in focus and not truly representing different cultures.

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I just need to re-iterate what I said earlier in this thread. Whatever the problems one might have with Sonlight, the academic level (unless it has changed in the last 2-3 years) is very high. My son who is now at Stanford used Sonight from 5th-12th grade and he had no problems with any of the humanties / English classes. He usually gets an A, and As are hard to come by at Stanford. And in his first year he often helped classmates who had no idea how to write a paper, or give personal insights on something they have read. He felt very well prepared by Sonlight - and he is at one of the toughest colleges in the country.

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