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Daily 6 trait writing and Evan Moore


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The 6 traits are: Ideas (good writing starts with good ideas); Organization (to help the reader understand and follow); Word Choice (choose words carefully to get their ideas across); Sentence Fluency (use different kinds of sentences to hep their writing flow);Voice (students personality should shine through); and Conventions (follow all the rules of writing).


In the grade 1 book (which I havn't used yet, but have purchased and am looking through to give this info), Each trait is given 5 weeks of 1 page per day (M-F). with day 5 (Friday) being a writing prompt not a full worksheet page. Except the Convention/Rules trait is included with one activity at the bottom of each page, such as capital letters, punctuation and other minor things like that.


Some of the daily activities are look at the picture, choose a sentence that goes best with it to find the topic; Answering short questions about the beginning, middle and end of a picture story. Choosing the correct word to finish a sentence (word choice). choosing the words to finish the sentence to tell when or where.


Overall, it seems fairly simple, not too much writing, and pretty basic. I can see us flying through it to our next writing program probably in the same year.

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  • I am using Daily 6 Trait Writing with my 2nd grader. One of the reasons I chose it is because my daughter was previously in a ps where they taught 6 trait writing. My dd is a reluctant writer and really enjoys the activities in the workbook. I agree with the PP. It provides good, basic instruction without overwhelming my dd with writing. Here is a link from Timberdoodle to give you a closer look:

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