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If you were doing Classical Conversations, would you do Latin or Spanish?


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We'll be doing CC for the first time next fall, Foundations only. I'm trying to decide on Spanish or Latin.


We've not done any foreign language yet, as I was waiting for DS10 to get reading. He's struggled but has finally turned the corner, and officially a "reader" though not on grade level. But we've got all summer to continue with reading, so I think he'll be at a good level by fall. DS7 is doing decently in reading as well.


I've done Latin in the past with my oldest DS, so I can do it, and I "get" the why of doing Latin. I kinda think doing Latin at home will help reinforce what Latin is done at CC.


On the other hand...Spanish.


Spanish is frankly more useful in today's life, right, in terms of being more commonly heard/seen? Oldest DS will be in his 2nd year of high school Spanish next fall, and I think how fun it would be for us all to be able to have conversation snippets in Spanish.


I thought perhaps I could go ahead and do Spanish for a few years, and then when we get into Essentials, or Challenge, we can move into Latin full-force.


But then perhaps having the Latin now, not only enforces what they learn in Foundations, but actually sets the base better for when they do move up to the higher levels, and also makes Spanish easier to learn. But then at what point do I incorporate Spanish? Not sure we could do two languages at once.

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I view CC as a tool to use in whatever way works best for your family. The Latin in CC Foundations is very minimal. Yes, it would reinforce some basic concepts for children learning Latin, but it doesn't "teach" the language. I would choose whichever language is your preference. If you teach Spanish, your child can learn the CC Latin memory work or not--all depending on whether you want to spend the time bothering with it.

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We are doing CC as well. The Latin in Foundations is NOT extensive at all. We learned it easily using the songs on the CC disk. You don't need to do Latin at home to keep up at all.


We are doing Spanish at home, b/c I want them to get the accent while they are young enough to acquire a good one. We'll add Latin later, when they are old enough to get more benefit from it.


If I were you, I would choose Latin vs. Spanish based on what you feel is more in line with your goals for your kids. CC is just a supplement. Don't feel like you need to change your homeschool around it.

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