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Beware of "A Will of her Own" novel from RFWP

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Along with a whole stack of MCT books, I also added Linda Fisher's "A Will of her Own" to read to my 12 yr old. I was hoping it was something like the Shakespeare Stealer series. Boy was I in for a shock! I had to skim over lots of bits about brothels and prostitutes, inlcuding a reference to Will Shakespeare using a brothel and sneering about his wife and kids. WS was also portrayed as an opportunist and has a kind of a cunning, slimy, smartarse character that does not fit our picture of WS at all!! Also, the main character, the 'hero', Lucy, steals money from her dad 'because he never gives her any'. WS steals a wallet. Sheesh! I gave up at chapter 7 and got rid of the book completely.


According to RFWP the book is suitable from age 10 onwards. Seems they haven't even read it themselves!

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