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Apologia: Chem & Adv Chem...HELP!!

Guest HSMommyCat23n1

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Guest HSMommyCat23n1

My DD has decided she wants to graduate next year (2014) & would like to combine the Apologia Chems to do so (possibly beginning this summer). I'd be EVER so greatful if ANYONE could help me out on how to integrate the topics/modules. I've printed off the TOC's but am still unsure the best way to do it just off of topic titles since I've not used their Chems before.


Has anyone done this? She'd rather take a little longer to go over a topic than revisit it...(personally, I think she just want to play with the experiments ;) )



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Mainly bumping you but I will add my 2 cents. The only person I "know" who did both did them back to back. Great success -- high AP scores. With the writing style I suspect that might be the only way. On the positive side if her math abilities are well developed a chapter a week for chem 1 is easily possible. We are halfway through and dd could move really quickly if ds was not involved. ;)

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Guest HSMommyCat23n1

Thank You Mum,


Her math skills are pretty strong, she doesn't like it but is strong, she began this school yr. in August with Saxon Adv Math & will be finishing through Calc lesson 25 by the end of our summer session in July (essentially Trig w/ Pre-Calc). Her plan for college is History/Archaeology.


I will keep looking for an integrated course, but if all else fails, I'll have her do as you suggested :)

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Apologia Adv Chem is designed to be done after Chem is completed, so you don't really need to integrate them--just do them back to back. My ds did Apologia Physics and Adv Physics in one year, one after the other, and it worked out well. He essentially did a module per week. Also, the first modules in the Adv books are pretty much review, so if you've just finished the first book, those go very quickly. (Ds also did both Apologia Chem and Adv Chem, but with a year's gap inbetween them, so the review at the beginning of Adv Chem was very useful in that case.)

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