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Quick Q about FLL 3

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Definitely! The primary benefit to doing FLL 1 or 2 before is having the definitions and lists memorized (what is a noun? List the prepositions. What is a verb? adjective? adverb?) So, if you need to spend a little more time on lessons that introduce memory work then do it. But that's the only disadvantage to not completing FLL2, imho.

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Yes, it starts at the beginning with what is a noun. ;) We did half of FLL2, then moved to FLL3, and we had no problems. The memorization stuff is gone over enough that my son still memorized it (except the prepositions list, which I specifically did NOT have him memorize - I taught him how to find a preposition instead, and he can easily find them now). In fact, when it said to repeat something 3 times, we said it once, and that was plenty. We still remember that a noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea, and we haven't even used FLL since last school year. :lol:

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