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Supplementing school work?


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My two oldest sons are now (as of a couple of months ago) doing an independent study program through a charter run by the school district. They both like it, but they dont give them much work. Neither of them has enough work to get through 5 days. My 12 year old has two extra days off a week because he finishes his school work so quickly. He wants to continue the school next year, but with what he's doing Im not sure its a good idea. So I am hoping to maybe find ideas to add more to what he is doing. I am at a total loss though for ideas. He is taking the basics: history, science, math, LA.


Im not sure what he will be doing next year, but this year he is doing Ancients for history. He reads a chapter and answers some questions. Science he is doing Life science I think? Again read a chapter answer questions. And LA is spelling (writing words 3x each and sentences), read a very short story and answer questions, and then a grammar practice book. I think that is all he does. So its all just very basic and easy work.


Any ideas for supplementing (to really enrich what they are doing more than anything)? Im not sure about really adding much else to it. We can add Latin and maybe music appreciation or art appreciation or something. Im just not sure. I feel kind of out of the loop with school now! Or do you think it would just be easier to bring him back to hs? I was thinking of trying Heart of Dakota or My Fathers World with him instead (which I will be doing with my two youngest). Thanks!

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Im not sure what he will be doing next year, but this year he is doing Ancients for history. He reads a chapter and answers some questions. Science he is doing Life science I think? Again read a chapter answer questions. And LA is spelling (writing words 3x each and sentences), read a very short story and answer questions, and then a grammar practice book. I think that is all he does. So its all just very basic and easy work.


It does seems a light workload compare to public middle school.

For history and science, do your boys need to write their own notes? If not it would be a good time to start. Basically read the assigned chapter and write their own notes/summary for it. For LA we supplement vocabulary and writing. We also supplement for german and music. I would also add in technical workshop like woodworking, basic electronics as electives.

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yeah its very light. my 8th grader isnt doing much more. he reads a chapter for science, answers several pages of questions, for LA he reads a chapter in a book, answers questions - thats about it. I think they might do some grammar on the day he goes in for class. For history he reads a chapter and answers questions. So he basically has more questions to answer, lol.

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Supplement with what your library has. See if there are any fiction books to go along with the historical time period, or craft books if he likes that. Get an internet-linked encyclopedia for science so that he can look up a corresponding topic, go to the link, and watch a short video or dissect a virtual frog or the like. Hook him up with Duolingo to learn a second language. It's free, easy, and motivating. Keep up to date on what he's doing so you can weave in field trips around the area.

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If the primary goal of supplementing is to enrich the work he is doing for the charter, then I would need to know specifically what they are doing in order to make more specific suggestions. However, I will give it a shot. :)


Classical House of Learning literature corresponding to his history? Brainpop science videos that coordinate with his science studies? Primary Challenge Math or Challenge math, Hands-on Equations, or maybe Life of Fred to supplement math?


Charlotte Mason style artist, musician, and poetry would be a good addition. Ambleside has free suggestions.




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